Harvest Moon

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*Author's note: Unlike the rest of the chapters in this series, this one takes place while Ennis and Jack are still working on Brokeback Mountain under Joe Aguirre. 

Thank you for all of the support on these, it really means the world, you have NO idea.*


Keep this video playing as you read for ambience!


Joe Aguirre had told the boys that he'd be out of town for two days, a family event to go to that he vaguely described.

He'd instructed them to take headcount of all the sheep - he had said that when he came back, there would be more to add to the flock.

They would also be on coyote watch, keeping an eye out where they had set up camp.

It was around 6 P.M. and the sun was setting, leaving the sky a hazy blue and pink color; "Cotton candy skies", as Jack would call it, earning a chuckle out of Ennis every time he said it.

It wasn't particularly warm, but it wasn't freezing either.

A chill blew through and struck the campfire that Ennis had started, making it shudder. A smoky smell blew through the air.

Jack and Ennis were done with their work for the day and were lazing around the campsite after the long day.

Jack had been up since 7 that morning, doing a headcount and tending to his other tasks.

Ennis lay with his fist holding up his forehead, resting his back on a log in front of the fire, eyes shut for a little while.

The two had spent the day somewhat separated, wanting to focus on what they had to do without distraction.

Clinging and clanging, Jack was far from view, rummaging through a bag of things he had brought with him.

The air was mostly silent; only Ennis' soft breaths, the crisp breeze, the crackle of the fire in front of him, and the occasional clink and clatter of whatever it was Jack had been digging through could be heard.

Ennis continued to let his eyes rest amidst the fuss, falling into a dozy state.

Soon after, though, he was slowly being woken by the sound of boots crunching through the dirt toward his direction.

Out of his squinted eye, still holding onto some sleep, he could make out something boxy and black that Jack was carrying. He set it down on top of the log across from Ennis.

"What're you up to?" Ennis somehow managed to mumble, still half asleep.

"Brought a radio. Sure is lonely out here. A lil' music, keep us company?" Jack pointed at the black radio that he set on the log.

Ennis, still in a drowse, lethargically flopped his hand twice to say "fine", or "whatever", and shut his eyes again.

Jack took it as a "yes", and kneeled down in front of the small black box. He pulled out a tall antenna and began fiddling with the knob, trying to get a station to come in clear.

He found one, but kept the volume low, considerate of Ennis, who was now visibly asleep again.

He leaned his back on the log that was opposite to the one Ennis lay resting on, folded his arms behind his head, and laid back, looking up at the sky above him.

Jack let a couple of songs play, watching the now purple clouds pass by slowly, before taking out a pen and small book of some sort from the inside pocket of his coat.

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