my father's face when he burned my brother, it will never leave my memories I can still hear the cheers while I was caught up in the moment like a fire the excitement kept building know one had seen my father fight in years.

I was delighted that dad was finally putting him in his place I remember how the men in the room looked at me like so was one of them and Zuko was the child. It felt good to be the child not being punished,
To be the good one

Zuko rested his head and I wanted to yell at him to get up and fight, I was embarrassed seeing him cry like that He didn't get it he had to fight, but he didn't and father let out a large flame so bright I squinted it was all so funny until it wasn't

I smiled Finally Zuko would understand that he didn't have what it takes to be fire lord I half expected father to crown me heir right they're in front of everyone.

My smile fell like a stone to the floor

This wasn't a small bruise or burn you got from touching a hot pan. He didn't get up and ask for a bandage and a towel so he could lick his wounds.

No that didn't happen at all...He was Scorched

You couldn't tell where face began and burn ended he was melting like a candle and everyone was rather laughing or to disgusted to help.

I smelled smoke no.. not smoke the smell was to strong putrid and heavy like leather and oil it was so thick it was almost a taste it made me feel sick.

Then he started crying and screaming I froze unsure of how to feel or act he was clutching his face as if his hand was stopping any of the pain. I stepped closer leaning down to help or maybe it was to get a look at the burn I'm unsure, He slapped my hand away and glared through his glassy eye.

Uncle Iroh rushed to his side gently touching his hand to shield half of his face his cry's were heavy and mixed with screams I stood they're on the platform listening to the men in the room laugh and gossip.

Iroh yelled at me loud it made me jump I'm not sure why I remembered it so clearly he had just told me to "Leave your making it worse !" he wasn't the type to raise his voice but when he did it made you freeze up like stone I'd never been scolded by anyone but my mother

My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment how dare that old coward raise his voice at me when I was trying to help. Father pulled me away and smiled.

That entire night Zuko cryed and screamed and I watched as the nurses ran back and forth with bowls of water and bloody towels.

It was hard to sleep that night and Ironically after that I slept far to much. I stayed in my room thinking over what happened. It brought me ease of knowing I was fathers favorite prized child and he would never hurt me like that as long as I didn't make mistakes like Zuko.

I didn't speak in meetings for a long time just in case if Zuko being gone meant he'd take his anger out on me.

Without Mother and Zuko around I was scared to look him in the eyes during dinner.
The table felt so empty but he hardly seemed to notice.

I had an irrational fear that at any moment a mistake would lead me to where Zuko was,
I knew he would never do that to me but I was concerned.

Of course that never happened I worried for nothing, I was my father's pride. Of course he would never have hurt me, I learned it didn't even matter that Zuko spoke out at the meeting.

He had been waiting for him to make a mistake could have been an injury or even dropping a plate if it came down to it. Father just wanted him gone.

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