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(Warning Blood YELLING and Mental breakdowns)

Azula POV

They don't give me much to do here I have a few books but they made sure  they were boring and violent free

Most of the time I practice bending when the room isn't freezing but they don't like that very much.

It's obvious there terrified of me there down turned eyes as they walk past my room the displeasure of having to bring me my food and dropping it as fast as they can as if the tray was was burning them.

Good they should be scared

I do have a plan of escape I managed to melt down some of the metal from my food trays enough to make a key without them noticing .

I memorized the nurses patrols and stuck some melted steel into the key hole waited for it to cool slightly and pulled it out

I may not be a metal bender but as if that would stop me.

I hid the key inside of my pillow it wasn't that hard all I had to do was rip the pillow a bit shove the key inside and singe the Cotten back together you can't even see where the hole was thanks to the pillow case covering it

I would have hidden it under my mattress if they didn't change the sheets so much

I'm going to escape tonight hopefully without causeing anyone to notice I'll sneek out take one of the visitors coats from the waiting room and walk away casually and undetected

I'm sitting in my room thinking over and over the steps of the plan

and all of a sudden the room drops in temperature, another guest i suppose
"who could it be this time"

the avatar, amasi again or perhaps that fat fool of an uncle who gives me tea as if he ever cared about me

For some reason he feels guilty He treats me like I'm insane so I don't really care of what he has to say anyway.

The room grows cold and I was forced to bundle myself into a ball while trying to keep some of my dignity by refusing to let my teeth chatter.

He came walking in prideful and stupid  with an unearned crown placed on his imperfect excuse of a bun


"Zuzu what a pleasure, to what do I owe the HONOR of being visited by the firelord himself."

I made shure to trace every word with venom and sarcasm I refuse to let him make me feel sorry for myself

Azula as much as I think its a horrible idea... Mom wants you for Kiyi's 5th birthday

You get two days and I'm going to trust you that you won't make a scene please

That sounds like an awful time but sure I'd love to celebrate my replacement on her special day

"Azula "

What Zuzu I promise I won't do anything

Kiyi wants to meet her sister she's a fresh start at a faimly for us

Half sister and I don't need a fresh start just because you both ruined it the first time

sigh.... Azula this is what I mean you can't say that stuff to her I want you to be a part of the faimly but not at the cost of Kiyi getting hurt

"Why would I ever hurt a hair on her head,if it pleases you so much I'll go "

"thank you"

But I'm not talking to mother so don't expect me to be freindly to her

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