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Azulas POV

I watch as my brother solemnly climbed off the soaked sky bison drenched in water like a wet carpet floating up into the sky.

My mother's dry screams echoed thrue the forest she's such a dramatic, making this all about herself like that.

this was my death after all. Her crys cracked the smallest amount of guilt out of me that was completely underserved. After everything that women put me thrue and now she's crying for what attention, guilt?
Pokku Came back slowly wiping tears from his face and climbing into the shrubs we were hidden in.

" I wish you guys didn't make me do that, I thought you said they wouldn't care clearly they do"
" There just makeing a scene wouldn't come off right for the fire lords faimly to show no emotion for the death of the princess, its all for the public"

" Oh.. I'm sorry that's awful but your mother does seem really upset"
" She's a lying she never cared for me a day in my life why would she start now"

I dusted myself off and the rest of them followed me farther into the woods. They continued to talk behind me about the night before.

" So what do we do now?"
Kumara ran up ahead of me trying to strike up a conversation

" I'm are going to go save my father and kill those assassins before they kill us"

" Do we really have to kill them can't we just talk to them, maybe let the Avatar figure this out"

" I'm not going to rely on that child for help, those assassins were going to kill me and are going after my father this is my business"

" nuh uh it's our business to your stuck with us remember " Pokku said

" How could I forget I have three emotional children to watch over as well, if you slow me down I'm leaving you behind"

She shuddered and scooted back over to the boys to talk probably about how unfair I was being but I didn't care I wasn't letting three mental cases lead me.

We walked for hours more while they discussed ridiculous subjects like there favorite plays, foods and childhood memories.

They seemed to have forgotten last nights events easily I wouldn't have shown weakness even if it had shaken me but still the trait was rare in people my age.

" So what's your, father like?"
Zulon spoke and I turned to see a cocky smile on his face. He wanted to pull anger out of me to prove something to them I could tell.
" He's powerful and cunning, I take after him"
" I mean more personally I've only ever heard of the horrible things he's done but you were his daughter, that couldn't have been easy, was he at least a good dad"
" He was an amazing one, taught me to be strong and self reliant He didn't care for Zuko much though"
" Yah that's pretty obvious just looking at the poor kid"

" He had it coming! it's just a burn its not like he killed him Zuko is the one that tried to take out his own father"
He cocked his brow in amusement and started kicking the rocks below him
" My father was at the Agni kai he said it was all because he just spoke up at a meeting"

" It was rude and disrespectful he embarrassed father, he had to be taught a lesson"

" are you sure about that, haven't you ever spoken up at meeting before"

" Sometimes but that's because I had something important to add or my plans made sense they never contradicted my fathers"

Pokku grew more uncomfortable by the conversation about my father it was obvious, seeing him squirm around like a ant trapped under a boot. I could see his anxity exude from him.

Azula Flickering HopeWhere stories live. Discover now