ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟜

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Stiles woke up first,eyes fluttering open with Haze.Until he groggily groaned trying to push himself more into the comfy pillow he slept on.But it didn't budge,it was like a brick wall-Somehow comfy though.

Yelping in confusion,sitting up straight waking Five up in the process, as a blush creeped up his neck realising he practically slept on him.

"What-The-Fuck"The Latter frustratingly muttered wanting more hours of sleep,his teal eyes met Stiles soft light brown ones.Five was definitely confused Until he looked down seeing both there limbs mixed up with one another.

'Well then'The Hargreeves thought,Sheepishly scratching behind his neck before maturely coughing unwrapping the two before it could escalate further.

"Our,mom said Quote on Quote "Wake the two lazy buggers up before I come up their myself with my slipper and slap both your bums".So yeah don't mess with her if she has the Slipper Stiles"Rafael blurts out munching on a chicken drumstick as he kicks the door open startling the two flustered teens.

Yawning the youngest proceeds to stalk to the top bunk going under his pillow bringing out A Stolen chocolate bar from last night and Eats it before his parents catch on."Ew,I gave you that last night.Isn't it melted?"

Rafael scoffs getting up in Stiles face crunching a piece off as he grins replying"Yeah,Like you ate that Hotdog off the floor,in some Alley Way"

"Five second rule"

"Five second rule my ass"Rafael snarks back wiping the chocolate from around his mouth before chucking the two some clothes.

The Stilinski laughs when Mr Ryder scolds Rafael Of his profanities downstairs in the kitchen.

"How did I end up in these?"Five pipes up his smile gone looking down at the tank top and boxer shorts.Stiles has the same on.

"Oh no,Mrs Ryder probably changed us.She does midnight checks and found us in no nighttime wear.Its okay though she always does it."Stiles blabbered on trying to find the right excuse on why Mrs Ryder changed them both.Five didn't care though so he decided to take pity and shut him up.

Five grabbed Stiles hand yanking the teen to his chest and pressed a finger to his lips"Shh,I don't care.Now let's go downstairs because really,I don't want a beating....Do you?"

"Y-Yes,Wait-Wait No No definitely don't"Stiles spluttered not hiding his tomato face glancing down at the finger,watching as it slowly released his lips.

Both watched each other,eye locked as their eyes gazed with affection of one another.

Five slowly leaned in,warily waiting in case he didn't want to,but Stiles did seeing as he tilted his head to the side leaning in aswell.before it could escalate any-further an amusing "Ahem?"Could be heard from the doorway.

Both leaped apart snapping their heads in the direction of the noise.

There Stood Rafael in all his glory holding two plates full of chicken and rice."Was I interrupting something?".

"No Definitely not"The Stilinski sarcastically stated angry that he didn't get to kiss Five.Five was just annoyed a permanent scowl plastered across his face.'Damn Siblings'.

"Well I only came up here to give ya' the food because Quote on Quote "Bring the Damn Boy's the food Raf please hunny,Damn teenagers"Mom said sipping the tea she made"

"Rafael why are you commentating,Stop using Quote on Quote you sound stupid!"Stiles replied getting changed into the clothes that sat on the foot of the bed,looking at Rafael as he burst out laughing cheering  2 points."Ha-Dad had the same reaction,I will win this bet"

Looking over Five had already gotten changed and now is inhaling the food,a low moan released from his throat making the Stilinski blush coughing awkwardly "Wow that good?"

"You have no idea,I'm starving anyways....Is there any coffee in this damn household?"Five told him watching as Stiles nodded in agreement at the food and pointed to the hallway.


After Five got his daily dose of Coffee despite Mr Ryder's protests that he's 'to young' to have it.

It was now 1982(Props to teleportation)and the duo walked threw the parking lot dodging an oncoming open door,Well at least Five did seeing as Stiles got literally knocked out.Not his fault,blame 'the time travel' but Five knew it wasn't,he was just so clumsy is all.

Worth it though because Five Laughed,the laugh was a melody to Stiles ears it was the sort of laugh that was pure with warmth and a fondness he couldn't describe.Ones thing for sure Stiles definitely wants to hear it again.
So many times you couldn't even count.

They arrived at a retreat in Wisconsin where The Hargreeves boy opened one of the double doors letting his soulmate in first"Wow,what a gentleman"Stiles mused whilst he got an eye roll in return.

Both looked around,it was huge in both Width and depth.Loads Of people scattered about the place either chatting or setting up the stalls.They wore colourful Irish/Scottish clothes.

"This Place is actually cool,do you think Wayne Manor From Batman is bigger than this place?"

"Hmm,don't know?"Hargreeves hummed spotting a women in around her 20s with Blonde Spiral curls that was bushy like an Afro.She wore a workers uniform identifying that she worked here as she set up her individual stall.

Tapping the smaller boys arms grabbing his attention and pointed at the women.Both looked and nodded.


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