ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟟

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Five,scowled down at the woman as he crushed her Trachea making her gasp and cry out of pain,as a sickening sound could be heard crushing her neck more.
"You can come out now!"
"Well done"The sound of The Handlers voice could be heard as she clicked her orange heels out of the darkness revealing her Brown curly hair,Leopard,gold with black pattern on her long coat.
The Handler has a Black pipe in her mouth whilst the pipe held the cigarette safely,she blowed in and out making smoke Fly above.

"You figured it out"

"Well,it wasn't very hard.She fights like everyone of you Commission drones."Five spat out disgustingly,he hates the Commission,he just wants to rip every single one of them.
But all five got was a Hmm from her as she smiled sweetly at him.

"No matter here we are....Together again,I've gotta ask...Did you miss me,you little Shit?"Handler informs taking the pipe out of her mouth and wedging it between two fingers,as Five glared at her Until Lila Laughs,coughing at the foot that got pressed deeper.

Lila than begins to squirm and grunt holding against his foot but Five didn't budge,his Leg strength keeping her from escaping.
"You've got a good nose!"The woman compliments waiting for Fives response
"You know planting hero n a Psych ward,taking advantage of my Simpleton brother,that was smart"The 58 year old man says Hushing at the words 'that was smart'.

"Well,The apple doesn't  fall far from the tree."The pipe woman informs looking down at Lila with pity as she sadly struggled.

Something Clicks in Five as he snaps his neck up to The Handler Figuring Ito it once again,he always does,"-She's your—"

"-Daughter.Yes.And She's my only one,So I'd appreciate it if you didn't crush her windpipe."The Handler finishes for the Hargreeves boy as Five hesitantly let's her go not before giving it one last squeeze,for warning.

Lila then jumps back up with a angry noise,turning around to Face Five "I am so Going to Enjoy Killing you someday"The Handler Daughter threatens taking more closer steps but her Mother interrupted"Lila,darling,would you give us a minute,please?"

Five then got the chance to make his snarky comment"YES,the grown-ups need to talk"The Teen says smirking at both of them before directly sadistically smiling at Lila.

Lila clatters an metal object making it crash to the ground as she hops on a stove waiting for them to finish.

"What is it you want?Five comments still having his hands in his pockets.

"Do you like jazz,Five?"

"I'd rather lick a cheese grater."

"Aww...Jazz is like a beautiful Woman.Complex,emotional,hard to please.She doesn't just give it to you....she makes you work for it."The Handler explains walking around the table as she expressions her words.

Five really hates her now,she's so complex and mysterious.

"I'm really hoping that you're going somewhere with this."He adds

"Under my leadership,the commission would sound more like...jazz"The Handler comments now walking up to Five face to face as she whispers the last word,then mimicking soft Jazz rhythm putting her hands up in expression.

"-And what about the board of Directors?"Five questions tying to catch her out,with his glare and comment.

Clearly it didn't work as she playfully smirks and answers calmly"Well,that's where you come in."

"Nope"Five Deadpans

"No it isn't"

"In exchange for the assassination of the board,I'm willing to get you and your family out of this timeline,and back to 2019 where you belong."

"And why about WW3 that's due to kick off in just a few days?"

"Once you and your siblings are gone,that goes away."

"And the Apocalypse when we get back to 2019?"

"That too"

"I distinctly remember you telling me that-that apocalypse HAD to happen,that is was Supposed to happen."

"Back then I was towing the company line,but once IM in charge...tstststts"The Handler responses getting behind five doing another round of Jazz music.

"We can riff"



"What about the board of directors,Hmm?...I mean,nobody knows who they are."The Hargreeves questions as the Handler leans on the wall informs of him.

"Correct!,But once every fiscal quarter,they get together for a board meeting."

"Where?"He drags it out.

"The question is when?...they meet somewhere in the timeline but never in the same place twice,the exact location and date of these board meetings is the most Closely-guarded secret in the commission"

"But you know where it's gunna be,don't you?"Five exclaims already happy that he gets to slaughter the fuckers.

"Would I be any good at why I do if I didn't?"She says pushing her self off the wall and stalking to the boy as he crosses his arms leaning on the table and looking up at her.

"I need some time to think about it!"

"-fine...but remember,doomsday's right around the corner and the way things are going,in your only option"The Handler informs as a fact.

(If you didn't want to read this form the top you have to read the bottom bit it's important..anyways hope you Enjoy~)

Five then walks off u Tim he has another question,he turns on his heel crossing his arms once again"What about the boy!"

"Ahh yes,Mieczslaw was it?.hmm"


"Yes that's his real polish name Stiles is a nickname!"

"He has to go back to his timeline"Five informs raising an eyebrow waiting for her answer as both of them snap there head to the Hargreeve.

"Well,Five,he won't be going back to his timeline he can't....wherever you go he goes"She says smirking knowing the answer that he angry boy wants to know so badly.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out...soon enough,it'll all make sense.Oh.And some Advice...Don't kill him,you'll regret it"The woman informs as Lila jumps off from the machine watching as Five scoffs pointing our She doesn't need him and spatial jumping away..


"Yeah what about the boy,mom"Lila says as she can talk when the annoying time traveller disappears.

"Ahh,Lila Sweetheart,watch Stiles for me will you?.Don't kill him because when little Five finds out he'll be after all of us"With that the Handler exits leaving her Beloved Daughter standing there confused not knowing why the Boy is such important it the Hargreeves boy.

But she'll find out.


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