ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟞

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(Guys I need your help!!
So because I'm re-creating an old story bc it was written crappy and one of the main characters is Timothy Wayne...
What actors would u choose for him.
I have a few in mind
1:Asa Butterfield
2:Timothèe Chalament
But I don't want them two bc I'm already using one of the actors for another book...
Ugh,I'm so picky(Does anyone have any Young Male Actors with blue eyes and Raven-black hair in mind?Thank u)

Stiles hated pressure,even though no one was pressuring but the thought of choosing between two things made him sweat,anxious and even a little bit angry.

But of course this choosing was quite easy...

Of course it would be


Yeah Number Five,The crush he's had over the past days and weeks and Stiles May think Five is oblivious.
Even though Stiles is sometimes oblivious to people who notice him.

But we aren't talking about him where talking about a Hot psychopath who has anger issues.
Yeah Stiles always crush's hard on people who are too crazy,even for him.

Breathing in His Whisky Orbs darted between the two before he sent an apologetic look to Luther and jogged to catch up with Klaus.

Yeah sorry Hot Psychopath But Klaus needs more of his Moral support.

Oh and added bonus,Maybe he could talk with Ben?

Probably not.

Stiles ears caught a dramatic sigh before An Arm slung across his shoulders and nearly made him tumble forward,If was not For Klaus steadying him.
"Let's go Little man and meet Allison"

The Stilinski was going to reply if it wasn't for his nose scrunching up in distaste of Klaus Hargreeves smelling like Puke,Fresh Bile.
Rubbing his nose he looked up and batted The Males arm away who looked down to him in pure betrayal.

"Klaus you need a bath,shower one of them because you smell.Smell like pure shit and I thought Luther smelt bad."

Instead of a snarky reply like usual Klaus just merely shrugged swerving on his heels and pointed at the puddle of puke"And You!You have had your possession privileges revoked."

"-I regret nothing!"Ben replied watching as His brother swayed away.
"Oh,Hi Ben"Stiles chirped from where he stood waving at thin air but not seeing as Ben gave him a cheerful smile and waved back with more enthusiasm as the Stilinski has.

"Stay out of me!"A shout came from the entrance of the alley way as Ben Hargreeves repeated the same thing"I regret Nothing!"

"Back Off"

Stiles snorted "Bye Ben"And he was off chasing Klaus down the street who was moodier than before.


After at least 10 minutes of walking and another 2 minutes extra because Klaus and Stiles argued about who has the worse Siblings.

Let's just say...

The hipster won by a mile.

The Duo now stood at Allison's front door not noticing the argument going on inside the house.

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