The Betrothal Contract

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Harry's summer had turned out quite well so far.

Yesterday, he was locked in his room, surrounded by bars, certain that he wasn't going to make it to Hogwarts this year.

Then, Hermione Granger, the girl that he saw in the mirror, had rescued him along with the twins and brought him to the Burrow, the Weasleys' home.

Harry couldn't figure out why he had seen Hermione in the mirror.

The mirror shows a wizard or witch their greatest desire. Harry had figured that out as Quirrell had seen himself getting the stone. He had seen his parents because he desires for them to still be alive, when they were taken from him unfairly and unjustly, in Harry's opinion.

But Hermione was already alive, so why was Harry desiring her if she's not dead? Maybe the mirror tells the future? No, that's impossible, his parents are dead.

Which brings Harry back to his original problem- the feeling he gets when Hermione praises him. Or hugs him, or kisses him, or sometimes even by just looking at her. The feeling felt like his stomach had flipped from one side to the other, like a sort of swooping sensation whenever Hermione was around. Harry thought it was a very pleasant feeling to have, but he had no idea what was causing him to react that way.

Harry walked into the living room to find Hermione already reading The Standard Book Of Spells for any information about the spells learned by second years. Harry didn't want to tell anyone this, but he had already read his copy and he knew what they were going to be learning in every subject.

Harry plucked up the courage to sit down next to her and ask her the question he had been waiting to ask since he got to the Burrow.


Hermione looked up from her book with an annoyed expression, but it immediately softened once she realised it was Harry.

"Yes, Harry?" She asked, expecting a normal question.

"Why do you hug me?"

Hermione wasn't expecting that at all.

She couldn't tell him the real reason why she hugs and kisses him occasionally. The real reason was that Hermione just wanted to. Sometimes Harry was so sweet to her that she just wanted to. Sometimes he was in danger and she wanted to give him courage. Sometimes she felt a need to. And when she saw Ginny staring at Harry, something stabbed her in the stomach. But it wasn't physical pain. More of an internal ache.

It was even worse when Ginny glared at Hermione. That was what made Hermione realise that Ginny had a mad crush on Harry. He, of course, is oblivious to it. Hermione didn't know why, but she wanted to break down and cry when she found Ginny's crush, which confused her. Shouldn't she be happy for her best friend? Was Harry even her best friend?

The word 'brother' flashed into Hermione's mind, but that didn't seem like enough to her. Not nearly enough. In fact, it didn't even scratch the surface on how strong Hermione's feelings were for Harry.

But Hermione, having next-to-no experience with love, had no idea that love was, in fact, what she was feeling and still is to this day. So she planned to write to her parents asking about it, and, in the meantime, consult a book. That usually worked.

It was then she remembered that she hadn't answered Harry. Luckily, that whole thought process was done in a second.

"I... I guess I- well, I just want to. Sometimes you're so sweet and..." Hermione trailed off, staring at the wall. Harry looked confused, but blushed at the compliment.

"Well... don't stop." Harry said with a small smile.
"I don't plan to." Hermione thought instantly, then her cheeks turned pink at the thought of kissing Harry on the cheek.

What if...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora