Wettened and Threatened

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The season of summer was a lovely one, with lush greenery and an explosion of various animals. In the metaphorical sense, luckily.

However, the heat was unbearable. In the United Kingdom, it was typical to have a temperature of about 15°C, but thanks to it both being summer and the tropical anticyclone currently settling over the country, that temperature had doubled to 30°C, and the population weren't used to such an intense heat.

To alleviate this bothersome issue, most families had turned to water as a way to solve this. Countless blow-up pools had been inflated, along with their corresponding water bills.

The protesting giggles of children having sunscreen applied to their faces, arms and necks floated through the open windows of Longbottom Manor, where four young teenagers were lounging on two red and gold couches.

"Come on, Gran, can't you just this once let us turn on the air conditioning?" Neville complained.

"I said no, Neville. If you're really that hot and bothered, you can go to the public pool where everyone else goes to cool down." Augusta Longbottom said sternly, which was usually how she said things.

"Oh yes, I can't wait to wade around in a giant pool of sweat and piss." Draco said sarcastically, though quietly enough so he wouldn't be heard by the Lady Longbottom.

"Have you been to a public pool, Draco?" Luna asked curiously.

"Nah, but I thought it was a safe guess." He shrugged. "I mean, that's how the wizarding ones are."

"There are wizarding public pools?" Ginny inquired, thoroughly interested in this concept.

"Yeah, my dad introduced them. Said it was to attract migrating wixen from other countries, but me and mum knew that all he really wanted was an excuse to see people like Andromeda Tonks in a bikini." Draco answered.

"That's just creepy." Ginny shivered. "If I ever see your dad at any sort of pool, I'm going to leave as fast as I can."

"Yeah and he does it right in front of my mum too. Doesn't even hide it or anything." Draco rolled his eyes.

"I'm guessing that compared to him, Harry is a master of subtlety?" Neville snickered.

"Truthfully, the only reason they're together is because of an arranged marriage." Draco admitted. "I'm technically a Black by blood, but since Harry has Sirius as his godfather, I probably won't get leadership of the house anytime soon."

"Harry would most likely just give it to you if you asked." Luna said with a charming smile.

"Yeah, he would." Draco conceded. "Where is he, anyway?"

"Hermione dragged him off to meet her parents. Don't you remember Harry screaming about it?" Ginny asked him.

"Oh, that was it. I zoned out at 'Help me, Draco, she's going to make me-' because I assumed it wasn't something I wanted to be involved in." He responded.

"Draco, your family wouldn't happen to own a private pool, would they?" Luna put another idea forward.

"That's a great idea. No." Draco said in response. "My dad loved the public pools and he never really considered the idea of not staring at countless uninterested women."

"Your dad sounds like a slimeball." Ginny said bluntly.

"That's possibly the nicest true thing I've ever had said to be about him." Draco considered. "Nope- wait- Blaise Zabini once said his hair was cool, and I kind have to agree."

"So I guess the public pool is our only option." Neville stated. "Because it is way too hot to refute that idea now."

"Yes, I do pity Harry and Hermione." Luna said dreamily.

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