I'll show you

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"So you heard a voice inside the wall that was saying the words, 'rip, tear, kill'?" Hermione recapped. It was currently Saturday and they had reached the library together, alone, deciding to try to figure out why Harry had heard the snake speaking.

"Yes, that's exactly what I heard." Harry answered. Then, he looked down slightly. "Hermione, am I crazy?" He asked her. She turned to look at him in shock.

"No, of course not! What made you think that?" Hermione asked, taking his hands gently.
"Voice inside the wall." Harry deadpanned.
"You aren't crazy, Harry." Hermione said with full confidence. "We're going to find out what that voice was. Together." She squeezed his hand. Harry stared at her for a second, not fully processing.

"Thank you, Hermione." Harry leaned in and kissed Hermione's cheek, then grabbed a book on magical creatures.

Hermione looked away and blushed furiously, beaming brighter than a star as she repeatedly traced a heart with two fingers over her cheek, on the spot where he had kissed her.

"I-I-I'm going to read this book." Hermione announced randomly.
"This means a lot, you know." Harry said, looking into her eyes which were still shining with happiness and love.

"That's why I'm doing it." Hermione smiled back. "You've helped me so much throughout my time here, I thought I should return the favour." She hid her face inside the book she was reading, trying to ignore the wave of happiness shooting through her.

"I wonder if this is how Harry feels when I kiss his cheek? I wonder if he'll kiss me more often." Hermione thought hopefully, before quickly scolding herself. "No, Hermione, he'll never love a nerd like you, and you know it." She told herself. Then, she gasped to herself. "Do I... love Harry?" She asked herself.

Hermione twirled her necklace in her hands tenderly, smiling as she remembered Harry giving it to her. But then, something Ron had told her while Harry wasn't listening infiltrated her mind.

"Harry?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah?" Harry asked, popping the book down onto the desk, sensing the sadness in her voice.
"Am- am I annoying?" She asked, a slight amount of tears coming to form inside her eyes. Harry's heart broke as the beautiful bushy-haired girl looked at him sadly.

"No, of course not!" He said strongly, taking her hand and squeezing it gently. "You're anything but annoying. You're smart and kind and helpful and pretty, but you certainly aren't annoying!"
Harry used the word, 'annoying' like it was a major disease. Meanwhile, Hermione blushed immensely.

"You- you think I'm pretty?" She asked timidly.
"Well, y-y-yeah." Harry answered, his nerves returning to him.
"Me?" Hermione asked again, a hint of hopefulness in her voice.

"Um... yes." Harry said finally. "Sorry if it creeps you out, but it's true." He added.
"Oh, Harry..." Hermione whispered, holding her hands to her heart. "No one's ever called me pretty before..." She trailed off, staring at him lovingly.

"Well then they don't know what they're missing." Harry smiled. Hermione, now controlled by her obscenely strong emotions for Harry, took Harry's hand, lacing their fingers together with a shy smile, still looking into his emerald eyes.

"I think you're handsome too." She whispered. Harry was blushing now. "R-really?" He asked, his voice cracking.
"Yes." Hermione giggled.

"And... what usually happens when a girl finds a boy attractive?" She asked softly, leaning her face towards his in a display of confidence she had never entertained before.

"I-I-I don't know." Harry answered, staring into her beautiful chocolate orbs that were growing closer by the second. His heart rate started accelerating as he was entranced by the emotions dancing deep inside her eyes.

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