They shared something

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"It feels nice to be back inside the castle, doesn't it?" Hermione asked wistfully.
"I'd feel b-better if there weren't d-dementors surrounding the castle." Neville shivered.

"Yeah..." Harry agreed for once. His particularly close experience with a dementor was still quite recent, and he was still suffering from the after effects. Although, to him, some things were more important than his fears.

"Hermione, are you alright? From the dementor, I mean." Harry asked.
"You're the one who almost fainted, Harry, I should be asking you that." Hermione returned with a touch of worry.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Harry answered.

"By the way... thank you... for... protecting me." Hermione said awkwardly. "Not that I needed it, but, it was sweet."
"Yeah, no problem... you'd have done the same for me." Harry smiled.

"Now kiss!" Neville thought, relaxing on his single chair while the couple stared at each other, edging closer to one another from their shared couch.

Then, he spotted Ron coming. Quickly, Neville tried his best to divert Ron's attention from Harry and Hermione, but his vision was already set on them.

Fortunately, Hermione had noticed the position they were in, blushed furiously, and although her mind cautioned her on the risks of Harry not feeling the same, her heart argued strongly, her face leaning towards Harry's.

Harry thought that Hermione was getting prettier and prettier every time he saw her. There was something about her that captivated him, allured him, yet made him cautious and worried at the same time. He had long accepted that he loved Hermione Granger, but that was the easy part. The hard part was resisting your feelings, and Harry was not doing a good job right now.

"Can I show you this time?" Hermione breathed, hypnotised by his emerald eyes, resisting a shiver as his peppermint breath tickled her once again.

"Wait... what?" Harry snapped out of his trance. Hermione sat up immediately, blushing and clearing her throat as she tried to come up with an excuse as to why she had said such a strange thing.

"Well..." She started, but was saved as Ron walked up to them.

"I should have set Scabbers on you, Potter, then maybe you'd lose a thing or two." Ron snarked as he walked past.
"That's rich, coming from you, Ronald." Hermione defended. "You probably have nothing to lose, anyway." She then turned away, her hair flicking dramatically.

The whole common room erupted into long, hard laughter as the fuming Weasley ran up to his dorm. Hermione smiled smugly yet proudly at Harry and Neville. She received two smiles in return, but only one made her heart skip a beat.

"There's hope for her yet, Georgie." Fred commented.
"I think you're right, Freddo." George agreed. Then, they walked over to the Golden Trio.

"Hey, Harry, Hermione, so we were wondering-"
"-after this whole Sirius thing blows over-"
"-what with your convicted godfather being innocent and all-"
"-if you could teach us that spell-"
"-you know, the one that makes you piss yourself."

Harry considered this for a moment. Neville was nodding his head eagerly and Hermione was shaking her head frantically.

"On one condition." Harry amended. Both twins leaned forward and gestured for him to continue. "You don't use it on the three of us." He requested.

"Done." George and Fred said at the same time. Harry whispered something into their ears and they nodded, even writing
it down- the twins were taking notes. Something that would most likely never happen again.

"I expect there will be one unfortunate student almost every lesson now." Hermione said with a wry smile.
"Yeah, thank Merlin we don't share lessons with Fred and George." Neville sighed in relief.
"I don't know... I think it'd be pretty entertaining." Harry argued. "I mean, they can't do it to us, right?"

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