Ch.23 Walking

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Specs saw Goggles leave the group with Rider.
„H-hey where are you goin-", but he was interrupted by Headphones:
„Leave it.. let him be happy"

——————————————————————————————————————————— <3

After finishing their food Rider and Goggles started engaging in some casual smalltalk. The blue boy's mood started lightening up a bit again as Rider was complimenting his tactics in battle. Goggles still couldn't quite explain his reaction from before and was hoping his lime friend wouldn't bring it up again.

After a moment Rider stopped talking and just quietly gazed at the boy in front of him, presumably thinking about something. This made the blue boy gulp, fearing he did something wrong.

„How... how're you doing lately?", Rider finally started talking again but with a soft and slightly serious tone. Goggles took a moment to think about that particular question. Nobody's genuinely asked him that in a while, except Bobbles maybe. But she would usually be content with a smile or „good" as an answer.

„I'm... good", Goggles said out of habit and immediately regretted it. Rider clearly saw through his lie.

„No Goggles. Seriously."

„I-" He didn't quite know where to start. The blue boy looked around, scared that some of his teammates might be listening. But they were still in front of the lobby, chatting with the rest of Team Yellow-Green. „I'm not sure", Goggles said quietly and directed his gaze on his empty plate. Rider gave him a concerned look and reached out for one of his friends hand on the table. He held it softly.

The blue boy now looked at his and the lime boy's hands, a faint smile forming on his lips as he felt his friend's warm and soft palm.
„It's okay Goggles. Just kn-know you can always talk to me, o-okay?", Rider said reassuringly. „About anything".

He nodded slowly but kept quiet for another moment before looking into Rider's eyes. The blue boy can see worry lingering in the taller one's gaze. He felt guilty for making his friend feel bad but there was no way Goggles could convince him of being fine now.

„Th-thank you Rider...", the shorter one eventually said, his heart pounding faster in his chest. „You might be the only one who actually cares" Goggles couldn't quite grasp on what he just said. Why did he say that? People ask him what was wrong all the time, but it somehow seemed more genuine when Rider did it...

„Of course. I lo— I'm glad we're friends", the lime boy responded, his cheeks reddening slightly. Goggles felt warm all over and couldn't hold a sweet smile back. But he also believed Rider might've wanted to say something else initially, but let go of it just as quickly since the lime boy kept talking: „We can, um, take a walk now if you'd like? The weather's nice and-"

„Sure!", Goggles exclaimed a bit too eagerly in hindsight but Rider didn't seem to mind as he just smiled, let go of his friends hand and stood up. The blue boy got up too and watched the taller boy take his jacket off as it was getting hotter by the minute. Goggles wished he could do the same but he feared people noticing his arms and judging him.

After letting their teammates know what they were up to and getting some puzzled looks, the two decided to walk through the shaded alleys of Inkopolis as not to get sunburned or overheated by the midday sun.

The boys started talking about all kinds of things again and Goggles soon caught himself smiling at everything Rider said. The blue inklings cheeks felt so warm and fuzzy when looking at his friend, but he blamed it on it being a warm spring day at the time. They exchanged chuckles and giggles and made plans to hang out more in the future.

Falling for Secrets | Goggles x Rider | Splatoon Manga Ship StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя