Ch.9 Preperations

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Noon arrived and the four friends made their way out to the Plaza in defeat.

——————————————————————————————————————————— <3

Aloha spotted Team Blue walking out the lobby. He turned back to Diver and they quickly ended their conversation about whether or not they should throw a party today. He gestured his friend to follow him over to Team Blue as they trotted along.

„Yo guys", Diver exclaimed, waving at the others and diving into some small talk, meanwhile his friend turned his attention to someone else.

„Hey, how's it doing, little man?~", Aloha asked, looking over at Goggles who wasn't engaging in the conversation nor being his loud and obnoxious self. Nonetheless, Aloha generally enjoyed his company, for probably those reasons. Goggles glanced over and slightly smiled, not having his usual glow and happy aura.

„I'm fine, thanks", he said calmly. What the shell? Aloha was concerned to say the least, but everyone has their bad days, right? Even he wasn't always in a good mood, although he'd never seen Goggles acting this way before.

„Heh. Rough day, ey?", Aloha said sympathetically and roughened through Goggles' hair, causing him to chuckle. The pink inkling thought he'd go on with being goofy and getting revenge but he just went silent again. A little irritated, Aloha proceeded to stand there and listen in to what the others were saying.

„...not winning once!", Specs stated being grumpier than usual.

„Not at all? Like in: not a single battle?!", Diver wanted to know, seeming shocked.

„Nope, not one", Headphones shook her head looking exhausted with a bit of disappointment.

„Wait...what?!", Aloha thought, stunned, „THE Team Blue that defeated every single one of the S4 including Rider, not winning a single random battle over the course of over an hour?!" He decided to chime in:

„Sounds like you guys need a break, huh?~"

„You could say so", Headphones agreed, stretching her back.

„Hey Diver, seems like we know what to do", Aloha said, smirking at his friend. Specs looked confused but wary, Bobbles smiled with a bit of anticipation and Headphones gazed at them rather blankly.

„We're gonna throw a party!"

———— Time skip ————

Aloha opened the kitchen cabinet and pulled some snacks out to fill in a big blue bowl sitting on the counter. He was humming as he prepared more munchies and drinks. As soon as Team Blue agreed on needing some kind of break, liking the idea of  a chill get together, Aloha and his team hurried home to eat and get everything ready. The pink boy thought about who else he was going to invite and picked his phone up. 

S4 Groupchat

<GlitterMan>: heyoo
<mangaboy>: What do you waaant aloha?
<GlitterMan>: anybody up for some
<GlitterMan>: partying???
<Army_>: Are you hosting ANOTHER party?
<GlitterMan>: bingoo
<SNiper>: Got snacks?
<GlitterMan>: you bet!!
<GlitterMan>: what about the others?! :O
<mangaboy>: ill bring some games i guess
<Army_>: I'm not sure
<GlitterMan>: awww come on :((
<Army_>: I'll see


„Hmpf", Aloha huffed, a bit offended. Why wouldn't Army want to come over? And why does he always act so serious? The pink boy sighed defeated. At least the other S4 were going to come over and most likely bring their teammates as well.

But something really bugged him about the fact he cared so much about Army. Not only in this case, but every time he sees him, Aloha automatically tries his best to compete and impress him while also half-jokingly flirting. He sometimes images the both of them holding hands and maybe... kissing..?
„What is wrong with you?", he muttered to himself, „He'd never fall for a guy like you"

Aloha and his team/housemates continued to prep the place, setting drinks on the tables, hanging up lights and testing the speakers. Then they all got dressed in something more comfy and sat down on the living room couch.
It was almost 6pm, having spent all afternoon making sure everything's ready. Now they waited.

„Soooo...", Octoglasses began, „Is Army coming too?" Aloha just looked at the ceiling.

„I dunno", he answered, trying not to seem bothered.

„You're not upset?", Straw asked and smirked. Aloha just shrugged.

„Aw come on! We know you like him", Octo stated. Oh cod, oh cod, oh cod... Their friend could feel a faint blush forming on his cheeks.

„Wait really?", Diver said, directed to the girls.
Straw wanted to say something but Aloha came before her:

„Don't make a big deal out of it, will ya? Also, was it so obvious?" Octo and Straw nodded and Diver seemed puzzled. The S4-member covered his face using his hands and sighed.

„Don't sweat it, I totally ship it", Octo giggled.

„Yes! We'll get you guys together, don't worry!", Straw said with her eyes practically glowing and her female teammate seemed determined. Diver remained silent, which Aloha noticed, but didn't comment on.

„Ahh thanks guys", he muttered, blushing strongly. „Just don't tell anyone yet"

Team Pink promised their leader to remain silent, learning that he doesn't want his sexuality out in the open just yet.

Aloha was oddly relieved. His closest friends accepted him the way he was, heck, they even supported him! What else would he want?

Well, he did have something in mind.

——————————————————————————————————————————— <3

This chapter was really fun to write! Especially the group chat and picking up on Aloha's perspective for the first time!
897 words

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