Ch.17 Belonging

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They arrived close go midday and sat down at Crusty Sean's tables, ready to order.

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Goggles swallowed the last bite of his sandwich. The both of them finished their meals just as it hit midday and the blue boy still couldn't believe that Rider actually got him to eat something. Of course he was hungry, barely having eaten anything the day before, but he still had close to no appetite. The lime inkling suspected this to be the reasoning for his friend's fatigue.

So Goggles just ordered something rather than possibly start an argument with Rider.

They had about two hours before he would have to meet with his teammates, which he already dreaded. Of course Goggles could come up with an excuse meanwhile but he really didn't know what to say this time. He couldn't constantly be feeling sick or tired, even though he might as well be. They'd get worried and ask questions and suggest things that won't help anyways. „Just get it together!", he thought.

The first hour passed too fast for the blue inkling's liking. The two had some surprisingly pleasant small talk about all sorts of things; like favorite foods, life at home and stupid childhood moments, which was making Goggles feel good about himself and smile without notcing. He liked this feeling, to no one's surprise, and didn't want time to pass any more. But the second hour rolled by even faster, making the blue boy panic internally. He never talked so much with Rider, or with anybody really. He patiently waited for Rider to finish his sentence before eventually raising his voice.

„I-I think I need to leave now", Goggles said with a somber untertone but kept smiling.

„It's that late already? Huh..", Rider then cleared his throat, „We definitely need to hang out more often. Or maybe our teams can train together again, soon?"

„Yeah that'll be great!~", the blue boy chimed and was already looking forward to whenever that would be.

Rider and him waved goodbye before they went their separate ways again. Goggles trotted his way up to the nearby park taking his sweet time, thinking about how he'd be late anyways and already made up some excuses for that. All while the sun was beaming down on him making the short inkling desperately want to remove his Eggplant Mountain Coat. But he couldn't let them see.

„What if they wouldn't be as understanding and soft as Rider was? What if they'd think I've gone completely crazy? What if they'd tell everybody? What if...", he thought, imagining all possible worst-case-scenario reactions. This was of course highly unlikely, but Goggles' toxic thoughts clung to him stronger than ever. „No", he breathed. „I won't let them see."

The blue boy could finally spot the park's trees in the distance, and his friends shortly after. They were sitting on a bench lost in some conversation, probably about turf war strategies or maybe even last night's party. Goggles was now only a few meters away, not bothering to smile as they didn't seem to acknowledge his presence for now. They simply didn't notice him yet, but the blue boy felt as though he didn't belong here at all.

„Hey guys!~", Goggles finally exclaimed as he got awkwardly close to his teammembers, while making sure to sound enthusiastic and full of energy.

„Hi Goggles", Headphones smiled and faintly waved her hand.

„Heeyy", Bobble Hat said cheerfully and Specs greeted him as well.

„You aren't even that late", he stated and seemed way more relaxed than usually.

„Hah, really?", Goggles asked almost confused knowing he intentionally took longer than he would've needed to in order to drag his arrival out a bit more.

„Um yeah", Specs answered equally confused and slightly suspicious. The blue boy decided it would be best to just stay quiet in case he'd make it worse and continued to smile.

Goggles sat down to Headphones right, who was next to Specs while Bobbles was sitting on the back of the bench between them. Again, the blue boy felt as if he didn't belong.

„What did you do during the party, Goggles?", Headphones suddenly asked curiously. The inkling in question was surprised someone made an effort to include him in the conversation since he didn't try to engage in it like he usually would. Goggles suspected his tiredness being at fault because he would generally attempt to randomly burst in on their exchange for a silly comment or remark to make them laugh. That's why his team would normally just wait for his own input. But today was different.
He was a bit startled at first, but he answered:

„Oh uh not much. Y'know, talking to people and, and..." Goggles paused. He thought back to yesterday, everything repeated in his head like the many times before. Drinking, talking to Aloha, crying in front of Rider, letting him see, the hugs... The blue inkling forced himself back to reality as he noticed his teammates staring at him expectantly.
„and... well, I don't know, what did you guys do?", he finally continued while intentionally changing the subject.

Goggles could see their confusion and even suspected disappointment in his answer, but he didn't care. As long as they let him be. Specs hesitantly started describing his evening with much greater detail, he was talking to Army before he suddenly disappeared, he watched Bobbles play games with Mask and more unimportant things that his shorter team mate couldn't get himself to remember. Headphones said similar things, as well as Bobble Hat. But she added to have also noticed Goggles watching her and Mask play, which he himself didn't touch on.

„Ah..! I must've forgotten", he said quickly with a dorky smile and rubbed his neck as if he was embarrassed to have failed to remember. Of course he wasn't, but it made his team let the topic go and started talking about the party again. Goggles absently listened with one ear so he could try to chime in from time to time but didn't seem to find the right moment and just sat there in silence.

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Man I love writing out of his perspective!
I actually had a lot of fun with this one, yay!
I also hope it wasn't too confusing?? I feel like it gets difficult to read sometimes, but maybe that's just meee...

1067 words

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