Chapter 18

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{Dahvie's P.o.V}

Haley just stared at me after I told her everything. 

"So that's why he had been acting so kept to himself?" I nodded, "Basically." She looked down at her nails, "Do you know where he is now?" I shook my head, "Not a clue." I began to shed a few more tears. She just hugged me, "Its okay Dahvie, he'll come back. Give him time." She said pulling me back to push the hair from my eyes and wipe my tears. I plastered a smile on my face and said 'okay' I know he'll be back soon. 

4 months later. 

I looked out of the dark window in the room I had locked myself in. 'He'll be back.' I kept telling myself. I was starting to think I was going crazy. I never honestly thought I had loved his man as much as I did. 

"Dahvs, dinners ready...are you gonna eat today?" Haley said with worry in her voice. 

"Im not hungry." I said keeping my eyes on the darkness outside. 

I could hear her jiggle with the door handle that was locked. "Dahvie please eat, or let me in...or something. Please." She said almost in tears. Her tears didnt even faze me. I waved them off, "Haley, go eat." I said monotone and waited for her footsteps to get lighter before I went into my bathroom. 

I pulled out the razor from my old box knife. I slid down the wall behind me and lifted my sleeve up. I cut in a straight line, then I made stars, hearts, anything that would bleed. I kept doing it until I was to dizzy to even stand. I threw the razor into the sink. Look at me...telling my fans not to cut but here I am doing it. 

"Dahvie?" I heard a fimilar voice close to my door. "Dahvie..are you in here?" I immediately got up and jumped on my bed, not even thinking about all of the blood. I watched as the door was turned a certain way until it opened. The voice entered my room, it was just Kelsie, Jayy's sister. "How'd you get in?" I said looking towards the door. "This is Jayy's room sweetheart, I just know. How are you feeling?" I looked at her, "Like shit." She sighed, "Well darling, how about we get a nice hot shower, get some food in you, and clean up those cuts." My eyes flashed up to hers as I made a confused face. "Im a nurse, I can smell blood a mile away." She half smiled, "Come on." She said getting up and pulling towels out of the cabinet along with a long a huge sweater and some boxers from my drawer. "Lift up your arms." She tugged at the bottom of my shirt, I did as said. I slipped out of my basketball shorts and looked at her. She looked back at me, "Oh please! I have a brother. I dont care about your dick." She giggled which also made me giggle. She turned the water on and allowed me to step in. It was so hot; if felt like jesus. "If you need me Im right outside the door," She said leaving me to my thoughts.

"Dahvie..You done?" She yelled through the door as I turned the shower off and putting my boxers on. "Yeah." I said unlocking the door. She came in with hydrogen peroxide and bandages. "Before you put your clothes on we need to clean that." I nodded and bit my lip as she poured the peroxide over my cuts. They stung like hell and bubbled up. I winced in pain. "I know it hurts, darling." Kelsie rubbed circles on my back. "I miss him Kels." I said looking towards the picture of me and him at Disney world he had beside his bed. "Everyone does sweetie. I just think you took it harder than any of us." I could feel tears start to form in my eyes, but I gulped down my aching to cry feeling. Kelsie finally put bandages on the cuts and put the sweater over my head. "Lets go downstairs." She grabbed my hand leading me to the kitchen. 

"Dahvie!" Haley said coming to hug me. I hugged her back and inhaled deeply. "Are you doing okay?" She said looking at arms. "Im okay." I said softly before taking a plate out of the kitchen and putting Haley's homemade casserole on it. "Im starving." I said kinda smiling. As I walked out of the room I could hear Haley whispering to Kelsie, "How did you do it?" Kelsie didnt reply for a bit. "Hurt ones go together. I know what he's feeling..not to the same level he's feeling it, but I know it hurts." I could hear her voice getting closer as she came out of the kitchen and into the dinning room with me. I stared at the casserole as it made my stomach uneasy to eat without Jayy. Oh my god..does Jayy have food? "Kelsie, do you think Jayy has food right now?" She bit her cheek, "Im sure he does. Dont worry about it sweetheart." She smiled to me and I half grinned back. 

After I had ate almost the whole casserole and cleaned up after myself, I was so tired. "Im gonna go to bed you guys." I said walking up stairs to my own room instead of Jayys. I heard Kelsie behind me, "Need a buddy for tonight?" She leaned against the door frame. I shook my head, "No I think I'll be okay tonight, thank you...for everything." I grinned. "No problem." She said coming over to hug me, "Goodnight love sleep well."  I nodded. She then turned out the light and cracked the door.I looked at my phone. 12:20. I sighed as I gazed at my lock screen (PIC ON THE SIDE) "Goodnight Jayy Jayy, wherever you are." I whispered into the dark as I let my eyes flutter down. 

"Dahvs." I heard a voice call to me. I opened my eyes which immediately went to my alarm clock. 4:15? I listened for the voice again, but I didnt hear anything. I got up out of my bed to go to the bathroom. Once I got in there I just stared at myself. I sighed before cutting the light off and going to turn my Christmas lights above my bed on. "Dahvie!" The voice shouted behind me. I whirled around to see a shirtless male in front of me. My heart raced and tears started to fall from my eyes, "J-Jayy?!?!" I said hugging him. "Im here Dahvs." He said hugging me back. We sat down on my bed as I continued to squall like a baby. "Shh babe, Im right here, but im only gonna be here for a short while." I tried to stop crying as he pushed the hair from my face. "W-What do you mean a 'short while'?" He took a deep breath, "Im not even supposed to be here, but I am." He lifted up my sweater. "I couldnt stand to see you do this to yourself." He put his lips on my fresh cuts and started to suck them. "Ja-" I started to say, but was interrupted by his hand covering my mouth. Once he was done I looked at my cuts. They were healed, almost like it never happened. "How did you-" I stopped myself realizing the question was stupid. "Im just glad youre back." I said hugging him again. He put his finger under my chin and brought my face up to his. I could feel his breath brush against my lips. I couldnt take it anymore, I closed the space between us and it was like fireworks had bursted all over again. After about 4 minutes, we both let go for air...or I did anyway. Jayy continued to kiss down my jawline to my neck. "Jayybear." He looked up into my eyes, "Yes Dahvs." I pulled him to the middle of the bed where he usually slept in my bed and sat next to him, "Can we cuddle. Like we did the first time we ever started dating." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, "Of course baby." He intertwined our hands and put his chin on my head. " I love you Dahvie." He said almost in tears. "no crying." I said looking up at him, "theres been enough of that to last a million years, but I love you too Jayy so much." With that I layed in Jayy's arms, hoping the moment would never end. Hoping he would never have to go away...ever again






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