Chapter 13

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{Dahvie's P.o.V}

"Im afraid I have good and bad news."

I looked up at the doctor, "and that is?"

"Jayys heart is beating," he said smiling that gave me faith that he would be okay. "However, he seems to be in a coma." And now my faith is gone. I hung my head like a scolded dog. "Thank you for telling me."

He nodded then walked out the door. I turned to look at Garrett. "This is not over, I'll make sure you pay for what happened to Jayy. "

He smirked at me, "how are you going to do that mister Vanity?"

I laughed, "So now that Haley's not in the room you'll admit to it? God your pathetic."

"At least my lovers still living." He said sitting back down and putting his headphones on. I really really hate him.

{Jayy's P.O.V}


My eyes shot open without hesitation. I wish they wouldn't of.

I looked around me to see if I could find Dahvie. He's no where.

"Jayy Von." A ghostly voice whispered. "Jayy Von come towards my voice."

I did as said. I walked towards the dim red light. "Where am I?" I shouted

"You'll know soon enough."

I hung my head back as I walked. The voice told me that last time. Although, this doesn't sound like the same voice. This voice is more ghostly and soft than the other one.

"Stop." It said. That's exactly what I did.

It was still dark for a spilt second, then all around me was red. 

"Welcome Jayy." A mellifluous voice spoke. 

"Where am I? Who are you?" 

The voice chuckled, "I am your father. You're in Hell." 

I gasped as he spoke those sinister words. "H-Hell? Why..I mean..How? Im not dead!! I saw Dahvie!!" 

"You saw Dahvie as a spirit, and no you are not dead by no means." 

"Then why the fuck am I here and not with my Dahvie!!!!" 

The voice chuckled at me once again, "Because you are need down here Jayy Von." 

I looked around at the demons and trapped souls. The demons were quite comfortable, but the trapped souls were screaming and moaning. I could hear their aching wants for a retry on earth, my father wouldnt budge. 

"How long am I going to be down here?" I said finally getting to the point. 

"As long as I need you, you are my son after all. You should be respectful of your father's wishes." 

All of a sudden it hit me. "SON!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?!" The hell is he talking about?! I'm not a spawn of Satan am I? No! I cant be. This is all a dream. Wake up Jayy, Wake up! 

"Jayy Von. Please clam down. You're basically the spawn of satan, but it's not the worst thing in the world." He smiled warmly. It looked like my mothers smile. 

"So why do you want me?" I said blankly.

{Dahvie's P.o.V}

I sat in the hospital room with Jayy praying and hoping he would wake up soon. 

"Is he any better?" Hailey said coming into the room with a bag. 

"Same. What's in the bag?" I said pointing to the over filled walmart sack.

She smiled, "Well I figured since you've been up here for like ever I would get you some food. Veggie Gril to go and a redbull. And I have a starbucks type of ice cream stuff I made." 

I looked at Hailey and smiled. She was the bestest friend anyone could ever have, and I literally mean every word of that. 

She grabbed a chair and set it beside mine. "Hailey, I dont think Garrett is as great a person." I said. She looked down at the floor. "Yeah, I know. I saw the bus footage. He did shoot Jayy." 

My rage set in after that. I wanted to kill Garrett, but if I did that I wouldn't be able to see my Jayy Jayy wake up...if he does wake up. I feel like all of this is just a dream. A bad dream I need to wake up from. 

Its so short. I sowwie. 



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