Chapter 12

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{Dahvie's P.O.V}

I awoke to a gun shot. The literal hell? I grabbed my phone and turned the flash light on because the room was so dark. Jayy wasn't next to me or in the bath room. 

"You, guys whe-" I said walking out into the kitchen. The sight I saw was the worst possible thing I've ever seen before. 

Jayy had one shot in his head and it was bleeding. He laid on the couch with a vacant look on his face. I couldnt process what the fuck was happening. What happened??!

"Jayy...Jayy Bear?" I whispered thinking it was all a prank. He would wake up, laugh, tackle and kiss me then we'd go back to bed. Fairy tales never happen. 

I leaned over his face, "Ja-" I cut myself off with an extravaganza of tears. He wasn't even breatheing. I quickly pulled out my phone and started to call 911

"Yes, My boyfriend has been shot...He- I do- I dont know how! GET A FUCKING AMBULANCE!" I screamed at the operator. 

No no no no. I didnt come this far with him for it to end like this. "JayyBear please wake up." I said through my tears. Why is this happening?!


{Jayy's P.O.V}

I dont know how, but I see Dahvie. I see Dahvie walking out of our bedroom frantic. My poor baby. I go to hug him, but he walks right through me. What the fuck. Why can't I hug him? 

"JayyBear, please wake up." He said crying. 

"Baby Im right here! Im awake!! Baby, Look at me!!!!" I yelled. I couldn't figure out why in the hell he didnt pay attention to me, that is until I looked at the hand it was holding....It was mine. Icy, pale, and life less, I was dead. 

Im fucking dead?! What the hell. Garrett!! That sick bastard! Ugh!!!!! I said mentally screaming. I thought everything was all over until the medics came and everything was black again. I could no longer see Dahvie. I was no longer filled with rage. I was actually peaceful. Where am I? 

As I floated and floated into the darkness, I finally saw a light. It was a dim pinkish red light. I seemed to be going towards it. 

"Hi Jayy!" A voice from the light whispered. "Close your eyes and count down from 5, youll know why soon." the voice faded. 

I did as told. I let my eyes flutter down. 5......4......3......2......1......0

{Dahvie's P.O.V.} 
[Sorry Im skipping P.O.V's so much.]

I road in the ambulance with Jayy while the rest of the crew followed us. "Its gonna be okay Jayy Jayy." I whispered, kissing his hand. All I could think about was a life without Jayy. My Jayy. I looked down at the blood stained pjs he had on. The ones I bought him for Christmas. The Christmas I shoved pie in his face. The Christmas we kissed from dusk till dawn. I'll never get to have another Christmas like that with him. 

"David?" The Nurse in the ambulance spoke. "Were here. If you could just wait in the waiting room while we get Jayy out, well see what we can do to revive his heart." 

I nodded and kissed Jayy's cold lips. "I love you" I whispered before getting out and making my way towards the hospital. 

I sat by myself for a little bit until the rest of the crew came in. 

"Oh my god, is Jayy okay? More importantly are you okay?" Haley said shocked about the whole thing. 

"He's in surgery, and not really." I looked down at the ground, that is until he walked into the room. 

"Is Jayy okay?" He smirked out. "I heard a gun shot, but I didnt pay it any attention. I thought you guys were playing COD." 

"You bastard." I muttered. "You know who shot Jayy. Dont act fucking innocent." 

Garrett looked up set and appalled. "The fuck are you trying to say David?" 

I got up and faced him with my fist balled ready to throw a punch. "You were the only fucking person on the goddamn bus and I know for fucking sure Jayy didnt commit suicide!" 

"Oh? What makes you so sure." He cocked his head and grinned. 

"You fucker!" I said taking him by the shirt collar and slamming him to the floor. I hit his head on the tile floor and started punching his gut and face in. 

"Dahvie!!! Dahvie!! Stop!!!" Haley squealed, prying me off of him. 

"Haley, he fucking shot Jayy! I know he did! He's just fucking jealous because no one wants him fucking ass."  I yelled at her.

"Uhm...David Torres?" 

I looked towards the doctor in the white lab coat. "Im him, I mean that me."

"I'm afraid I have good and bad news." 

--Working on the next part right now ^-^--

***Anybody up for kik?**
     kik: bang.broken

---Rise SGTC---


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