chapter 17

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Jayy's P.o.V

"Jayy, wake up." A soft voice said breaking my, what I thought, wa's sleep. My eyes fluttered open and I was on a hard redstone floor. 

"Welcome back sweetheart."  I looked up and my heart was broken, "M-mama?" I stuttered out. The woman nodded. I began to cry. My mother died when I was 17. She was the only person in this whole world that understood me. She accepted me. "Why...why are you down here?" She chuckled, "I could ask you the same thing, now get up your father would like to see you." I slowly stood up, as I was weak for some reason. I followed her she walked towards my fathers room. I walked past broken souls grabbing at my clothes.  "Jayy Von!" My father shouted as he got off this pedestal to hug me. His hug burnt me a bit, but I loved it for some strange reason. "Hello Father....Wait a second, I have a bone to pick with you!" He furrowed his brows, "And just what is that?" I looked towards my mother.  "Well two bones... Why are you slowly giving me powers, and why the fuck is my mother down here?!" He looked appalled that I raised my voice towards him, but I didnt care. He cleared his throat, "Well I am slowly giving you your powers because I didnt think you could handle them all at once...and about your mother, she wanted to come to me." I shook my head, "Haven't you like fucked alot of people to get all of those other supernaturals...why would you say yes to her?" Again there was the appalled look, ""You do realize that the only person I've ever fucked is your mother. Im Satan, not a fucking slut." I rolled my eyes at him. "So can I have my powers or what? Dahvies waking up at any minute." My father stood up and looked down apon me. "That is the whole reason you are here..Dahvie that it." I made a puzzled look, "What about my Dahvs?" He sighed, "The problem is you keep calling him your Dahvs, sweetheart you have to kill him. I will give you a month and a half, once you return back to him you will have full power. Go out and have some fun with them, but Dahvie will have to die in order to keep them." I felt my eyes swelling up with tears. I had to kill Dahvie in order to keep my powers? No way in hell. 

"Jayy!!" I heard Dahvie slap my arm. My eyes shot open at the sound of his voice. "Dahvie. You need to get away from me." I said flashing to the corner of the room. He started to come towards me and I flashed to the bathroom. "Jayy bear whats wrong?" I could hear his foot steps like Godzilla was pounding through the room. I thought I could contain myself until I-I smelled blood?? I flashed out of the bathroom and went down into the kitchen. There was blood bags in the fridge and a stranger in my house. "Hello Jayy." The stranger said sucking on one of the bags."Why the fuck are you in my house." I said yelling. I could hear Dahvie coming down the stairs while all of this was happening. "If you wanna live/keep your powers/and continue fucking your fuckboy. I suggest you drink this." He said giving the bag to me. I tasted it at first and almost puked, but then the taste was like magic. I drank the whole bag before Dahvie got into the kitchen. "Who is that?" He said pointing towards the random stranger. "The names Niklaus. How are you.?" He said sticking his hand out, but Dahvie refused to touch it. "Well, chap... Ill leave you to the explanation." He gave a sly grin before bolting out the door. Dahvie looked at me with aching eyes. "Dahvie.." I whispered. "No...No Jayy!. I dont want a 'I'm sorry. I dont know whats going on please forgive me.' Jayy you dont tell me shit until it happens, then you ask for forgiveness?? We are LOVERS. Does that not mean shit to you?!" I looked down at the ground then back and Dahvie and took a deep breath "Dahvie... You know I love you. I love you more than anything...even myself, but with love comes sacrifice" His eyes widened, "W-What are you saying." I sighed as a tear rolled down my cheek. "We have to be done. I cant risk hurting you, and Im obvisouly not just hurting you meantally. Look what you've done." I walked towards him and pulled his blood soaked sleeve up. "This is all because of me. Every single cut you made on your perfect skin...because of me." His eyes began to get red and watery. I kissed his cuts then cupped his face in my hands. "Ill be back, I promise...but right now. I need to get my life together so you can have one." Dahvie put his hand on mine and nodded. "I love you so much." I whispered into his ear as we embraced each others heartache. "I love you too Jayybear." I pulled away to kiss his lips, but didnt. I knew if I kissed him something bad would happen, so I kissed him on the forehead and went to open the door. "Goodbye Dahvs." I said with a half frown half smile. He nodded and bit his bottom lip. With that I ran away. Not knowing where I was going, I just flashed away. I couldnt stand to hurt Dahvie anymore than I have..It was best to leave... Right?

{Dahvie's P.o.V}

I watched as Jayy flashed away from me. Once he was gone I closed the door and slid down it in tears. Jayy was gone. Forever? No Dahvie. Not forever, he said he'd be back. Still, I was an emotional wreck. I loved at my phone and start to text Haley

Me:Any break up tips? /_\ 
Haley: Did you and Jayy break up?
Me: Long story.
Haley: Awh bby..want me to come over?
Me: Please..

I sat my phone down and leaned my head against the wall. Why Jayy? I thought. Why does Jayy have to pay the price for not being lucky. Hasent he been through enough? 


I had started to doze off against the door when I heard a knock on it. I quickly got up and opened it. "Hey dear." Haley said giving me a warm hug. I imeditally began to cry. "Shhh, Itll be okay.. just tell me what happened." She said rubbing circles in my back as I began to tell her my 'horror story.'




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