Chapter 5

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Dahvie's P.O.V. 

"Fuck!" Jayy screamed while clutching his temples on the edge of the bed. I ran over to him just as he was falling to the floor. "Jayy!" I yelled. Nothing. What the hell just happened? "Haley! Wake up!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. She came running into our room. "W-What the fuck?" Haley looked at Jayy unconscious on the floor in my arms. "I-I-I dont know he came into our room and then was having what looked like a panic attack then he clutched his temples and just fainted." I quickly explained to Haley, whom was already dialing 911. 

When the ambulance arrived, they quickly rushed Jayy into the back. I jumped in there with him and insisted that they let me stay. The ride seemed like it lasted for years. All I could think about was life without Jayy. My mind has been doing that alot lately, putting the worst scenario into my head and drilling it so it'll stay. 


I sat outside in the waiting room with the rest of the crew. I shook my leg viciously, that is until Haley put her hand on it. "Its gonna be alright Dahvie." Her words were slow and seemed like they just slipped right off of her tongue. "I know, my minds just always expecting the worst." Haley faked a smile at me. "Get some sleep Dahv, you look drenched of energy; I'll wake you when he can be seen. I nodded and nuzzled down into my chair to drift asleep.


"Come on you fucking slow poke!" Jayy yelled to me from a distance. He just kept running, I hated to run so I couldnt keep up. Finally he stopped. "You run to fast." I said put of breath. "You run to slow" hr said bringing me into a hug. "I love you Jayy" Jay begin to spoke, but started to disintegrate. What the fuck? "Jay? Jay what are you doing"

*End* °what the literal fuck did I just write°

"Dahvie! Dahvie, wake up!" I awoke hearing Haley's voice. "What?" I rubbed my eyes. "Jayys awake, he wants to see you." I jumped out of chair at her words and ran straight to his hospital room. 

"Dahv." He croaked. 

"Im here baby, Im always here." I grabbed his hand a gave it a little squeeze; he squeezed back.

"So, what's wrong with him doc?" Haley piped up. 

"It would appear he's beginning to have migraines, such things can be cause by: Stress, Hangovers, To Sexually Active." He looked over his glasses at us. "I'm going to keep him here for the next few days, your welcome to stay if you wish." I nodded to him. "I think I'll stay." Haley spoke up, "I know he's staying" She said pointing to me. The doctor smiled and left the room. 

"No more fucking me mister!" Jayy pointed his finger at me. I gave a small giggle, and looked around. Being nosy is my specialty, especially when it comes to where my baby will be staying for the next few days. "Do they have a cafe in this damn place?" Jayy whined, knocking me out of my thoughts. "uhm. I'm not sure, are you hungry babe?" Jayy blushed at me calling him babe. "Awh, is Jayy Von blushing? I dont believe it!" Haley squealed. "No, Im showing affection for my husband." Jayy chuckled. Now I was the one blushing. 

Once I got Jayy some food I made my self comfortable in his small hospital room. "You dont have to stay here if you dont want to." Jayy scraped butter off his bread. "Are you fucking crazy? Jayy I'm not leaving." I kept myself from hollaring at Jayy.

**Skipping Hospital Time Cause Im Lazy**

Jayy's P.O.V.

So Its been about 2 days since I got home from the hospital, and Dahvie hasn't sat down for one second. 

"Babe, Im fine. I dont need anything, except you." I smiled to him weakly. 

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you. I dont ever want you to be in the hospital again." 

I grabbed his hand squeezing it and leaning in for a kiss. 

"uh uh uh, No kissing, doctor said that might be the cause." 

I glared at him, "He said no sex you fucktard, not kissing." 

Dahvie put his hand to his chest and acted hurt, "I cant believe you called me a fucktard."  He started to fake cry. Honestly I wasnt in the mood, so I kicked him off the couch. 

"Okay, now that really fucking hurt." He laughed trampling me on the couch. 

This is going to be a hell of a 3 weeks for getting better.

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