New Scars and Old Wounds

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TW: lots of cursing, depictions of violence, death, slight gore, vague mention of child abuse

Amber trained.

She trained with Micheal on Monday, Raphael on Tuesday, Uriel Wednesday, and Avery on Thursday. On Friday, she resumed her regular schedule for the Institute, though she was usually too sore to train with the others.

Each of her siblings taught her different things.

Micheal taught her how to fight like an Archangel– while she knew how to fight like humans, she didn't know anything about angelic fighting styles. He also taught her how to fight Lucifer, since he was the only being to ever defeat him.

Raphael taught her how to heal with her angelic powers, something she had been able to do before but only to a certain extent due to her lesser grace. He also patched her up when they used angelic swords, since those were the only things able to actually harm her.

Uriel told her the history of, well, everything. He told her about The Fall from a perspective of someone who had actually banished the Demons, and stories from when it had just been him and his brothers. Many of the stories were of the early days of earth, and of the days in Heaven.

Avery, unlike Raphael, taught her how to use her powers in a more combative way, and also how to fly. Amber much preferred the former to the latter, since she excelled at using her powers but could not get two feet of the ground when trying to fly.

It was rather embarrassing.

Sunday's and Saturday's were the only days she had a break, but Avery was persistent that they practice her flying on Saturdays.

"You'll get it eventually," she would say as she ushered Amber outside. "It will just take a while is all."

Which left Sundays as her only day of rest.

She was usually too sore and tired to do much those days other than try to not worry too much.

She felt useless, confined to the walls of the Institute while she knew Lucifer was out there, waiting and planning something. Anytime her friends would leave on a quick errand, she would get a sick feeling in her stomach, counting the minutes till they returned.

She knew Tess felt the same– her and Amber had been prohibited from leaving the Institute since they were 'targets' for the Demons. They were both going stir crazy, and everyone knew it, but at least they had Will to keep them company sometimes.

It had been five weeks since they had first met Will, and he had been coming back twice or three times a week to give them updates.

There wasn't much to update them on, but they had all come to actually like Will and had even started to trust him a bit– even Gwen and Avery. The visits usually lasted about an hour or two before he would leave in a hurry.

It was currently Saturday, one of Amber's least favorite days of the week.

Flying practice.

Avery stood across from her, her one pair of huge golden wings spread out behind her. It was rather sunny considering it was mid-afternoon, but a cool winds bit at her. 

"Alright Am-Am," Avery started, "we're going to do something a little bit different today."

Amber sighed. This probably wasn't going to be good.

Avery continued, unperturbed. "I'll have to Portal us there, so get ready. Oh, also, make sure not to move much once we get to the other side, alright?"

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