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Yeah I'm surprised if anyone wants to read these anymore but I'm just going to continue writing.

"So? What's so wrong with the Institute?" Zac asked after a few moments of silence.

Amber answered him. "Nothing really," she said. "It's like The Garrison, except for on Earth. There aren't as many people there, though. The Angel Cassiel runs it, I believe."

"Yeah," Jaime said. "He runs it. But there's something you need to know, Amber. Adam's sending them to the Institute; not you. You're staying here."

Amber looked confused, frowning. "But I don't understand. Can't I decide where I go? What if I don't want to stay here?"

Zac stared at her, amazed. Why wouldn't she like to stay here? From everyone's tone, going to the Institute was not a good thing; so why didn't she just want to stay at The Garson?

He could hear the slight panic in her voice, her fingers fiddling with her necklace.

Jaime seemed to be just as shocked as Zac was. "Well, if you don't want to stay here– which I don't understand, by the way– than you can just tell Adam, I guess–"

"No." Thea was already shaking her head. "He won't take no for an answer. There's no other way."

Ambers frown deepened, and Zac could almost see her mental gears working. He noticed, randomly, that some of the hair from her ponytail had started falling out, one falling over her face.

He wondered if she was going to fix it, and he suddenly got the very strange urge to reach across the table and tuck some the stray hair behind her ear.

Then he thought "what the fuck" and didn't do that.

Tess perked up, her green eyes sparkling. "Challenge him!"

Grey gave her a look. It was the look you give a child when they say something so crazy and bizarre that you wonder how they had come up with such a thing.
"I'm not sure that would work. He's an Angel. Amber here is human, she can't possibly win–no offense, of course," he added hastily, his eyes darting to Amber.

"It's fine," she assured, giving him a small smile.

"No, but you don't understand!" Tess persisted. "You saw what she did in the office– Zac, you saw her heal from that Hellhound scratch like it was nothing! Maybe she can defeat Adam!"

"'Defeat Adam'?" A cool voice said behind them, and Zac could see all the color drain from everyone's faces. Even Grey's figure flickering slightly, as if it had startled him so much he almost forgot how to manifest himself. "Why would anyone ever try and do that?"

Amber stood up abruptly, almost knocking her water over. Her back was straight, her turquoise eyes bright and sharp.

"Adam." Her voice was very formal, deprived of any emotion. "I challenge you for the right to accompany my friends to the Institute. If I loose, I stay here. If I win, I can do as I wish."

Adam raised an eyebrow, the only sign he gave to show that he was surprised. He regarded her thoughtfully.

"This is unexpected," he murmured. He seemed to be deep in thought before he clapped his hands together, so loud that everyone in the Commons paused and stopped talking. He fixed his eyes on Amber. "How old are you, dear?"

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