Therapy.....I Don't Like It

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Percy pov:

Mom had decided I should go to therapy.

Now let's get something straight, I hate therapy.

I've had a hard life and there are few people I am willing to share it with. Only Grover knows about how I was abused my Gabe. Annabeth is the only person I can confide in about Tartarus.

Even my own mother doesn't know half the struggles I had to put up with. Or I guess now she didn't know any of them.

Whatever the case, I walked into dr. Sherman's office that day without my parents. Maybe if they had been here I could've possibly had fun.

But no, I just get annoyance.

"Hi Percy," Sherman said in a sweet voice, probably the same voice she used when dealing with five year olds. "I'm going to say a word and your gonna say the first word that pops in your head. Can you do that for me?"

I sighed and collapsed into a chair, "sure,"

"Pen," she said.


She had a confused look but continued on. "Riptide,"










By now she was getting really confused and scribbling words fiercely. "Annoying?"


"Zeus?" she said, though it sounded more like a question than it had before.







"Wise girl"

"Wise girl?"

"Seaweed brain"

"Seaweed brain?"


She gave a content sigh, probably thinking this was moving on to something more normal. "Love?"




"Hell?!?" She sounded angry, but me being me, I continued the game she forced me to play.














I think it was my last answer that finally broke her. But I guess it made sense for a mortal to think I'm crazy when I say my dad is Posiedon.

"Okay Percy, I need to understand. What all happened ever since you turned twelve?"

I wasn't sure if she really wanted the truth, but I gave it anyways, "my best friend was half goat, my mom got stolen and I fought beef face. I met my future girlfriend and we went on a quest to the underworld. We fought a war that started when I was twelve and lasted five years, losing Luke along the way. I became good friends with the huntress Thalia grace—a daughter of Zeus. Hera then switched me and Jason grace—the brother of Thalia and son of Jupiter. I went to a Roman camp and he went to my Greek one. We then got our memories restored and the seven were formed. Leo was the seventh week but met calypso, I met a guy named Rick Riordan and he published my stories. Oh I also fell in hell with my girlfriend. And then I woke up and y'all think I'm crazy although I know I am not,"

Dr. Sherman's jaw was open wide and I hid a smirk. "But yeah, that's about all,"

"Is there seriously none of that that you think could be fiction?"

"Nope. It is all real, believe me. You don't forget the memories of war,"

"But you weren't in a war!" She let out an exasperated yell.  "Do you not understand that? Percy,nod you can't separate fiction from reality than we have a problem,"

"No. They're real! They have to be real! Something—someone—is blocking anyone from remembering. I swear, I'll prove it to you! Just go to Long Island south and you'll see a pick your own strawberries berries sign! It's real! It has to be real!"

I stormed out of there. My life was real. Annabeth was real. It wasn't just an illusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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