Angel on Earth - Prologue

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I am an angel. It's quite simple actually for what it implies. I died, god decided to have me live on earth because I could help people with my pure soul, and now I can't come back to haven untill I've experienced all of human life. 

First things first, let me explain how I really became an angel. I died. I don't remember how, but I somehow died at five years old. I was the kindest girl at our daycare, and was friends with everyone, so when my parents found my body, they didn't do anything, which was lucky for me. Well, they didn't do nothing nothing, but they didn't tell anyone about my death for a couple of hours, just sitting near my bed bawling their eyes out. I on the other hand, was on my way to haven. Regardless of what people believe, God is not some all powerful being that created our world and controls everything, he's simply part of the world in charge of souls. He decides where you go in the afterlife, and some special people get to meet him. I was one of those people. I immediately appeared infront of God once my soul was fully detached from my body. At first, he just studied me, then he told me that I had a completely pure soul, to the point that nothing could corrupt it, so I could be very helpful on Earth, and since I was so young, god wanted me to have at least a bit of a life. So now, only when I experienced all the sides of life would I go back to where I belonged, and because of who I am, I would also become a goddess when the time came, able to travel between Earth and the celestial dimensions because I would take my body with me when I left Earth the second time. Then I can ascend back to my body, and woke up, to the shock of my parents. God sent them a message explaining everything, and here I am now. An Angel on Earth.

I apologize to anyone who has a religion if this was in any way offensive. This is merely a story, so I am bending a few thing. I apologize again if this is offensive, I do not mean it as such.

To Be Continued...

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