2-starting a company until UA

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People looked at the weirdly dressed man in yellow, he looked young yet he was taller than any of them, his smile creeped them out the most, he looks at the passersby with a smile, as if he was amused by everyone.

He was amused by all the quirks that appeared in this world, he found out that he can give and take these quirks just by looking at them, but sadly, he didn't find any good ones.

After nightfall Izuku came back to his 'home', the abandoned building, Izuku looked at the building and thought to himself.
"I really need a proper house and income if i want to live in this world..."

Izuku thought about what he should make, to make a stable income, then he remembered the heroes. They have their own quirks, yet some are a bit unstable with using their quirks.
If only there was some thing that can make them stable, like a machine.

"Sorry Stanley old boy, but i'm going to borrow a few ideas from you." Izuku's eyes glowed bright yellow, he snapped his fingers and watched as the two floored abandoned building reformed itself from scratch.

The building looked brand new, with new white paint splattered in the building.
Decorative designs also formed, presumably, out of thin air, forming a double door and an archway in the front, crystal like glass also formed to make stylish windows.

Lastly a sign saying 'The Cipher' also appeared on top of the building stating that it provides the perfect equipment to advance and stabilize quirks.

Izuku smiled at his own handicraft and went inside to start making the tools.




The next day, people gathered and saw the once broken down building turned into a beautifully made structure with smooth pillars and intricately made glass. After sometime the double doors opened to present a handsome man (bill forced me to say that) wearing a yellow suit.

He smiled and opened his arms to the watching crowd. "Welcome to my humble abode, where i make items that will suit your daily quirkish needs" Izuku bowed as the people murmured.

"Well? what are you waiting for? come in come in!" He smiled.

A few people entered and was awed by the items that was displayed inside.

In the bottom floor was for the Emitter and transformation type quirks, while on the top floor was for the mutant type quirks.

Some people made a few calls to their friends and family.

Soon the whole place was packed with customers, and money was already rolling in.
Some people were still reluctant, but after seeing the amazing effects and boosts that these items gave them they immediately bought the whole thing.

Izuku soon had to announce that the equipment has been sold out, so people will have to wait until next week for Izuku to resupply.

Many asked if they could order a custom made item from Izuku but Izuku denied, "I am very busy sadly so you must wait until next week, good bye dear customers" Izuku ushered them out of his building.

One by one the people left the premises, until one asked. "Sir can we contact you in anyway?" A blue haired man said, he had thrusters in his arms, Izuku went inside his mind and found out he was the pro hero Turbo. Tensei Lida.

"Sadly no"
"whats your name then sir..?"
"Bill, Bill Cipher"

Izuku decided to change his name. Tensei Lida nodded in acknowledgement.

Izuku proceeded to lock the doors and close the windows.
He counted his money and found out he got half a million already. Even he was amazed by the outcome.

"Well, i should really thank Stanley for this." Izuku laughed and slept, because tomorrow, he will search for a grand house to stock his spells to summon his subordinates. "This might take a few years but who the hell care?" Izuku laughed out loud.




The next day, Izuku was shopping at the mall when the people recognized him, even some of the pro Heroes like Midnight and Present Mic.

The people bombarded Izuku with questions on how he made his inventions and how it worked so perfectly, Izuku merely shrugged, "Its a secret" he walked away from the crowd to find proper tools. Because transforming his cane every-now-and-then is quite tiring.

After buying the tools and telling the store clerk to deliver them to his workplace later, he went off to buy a house.

Of course, he had to find an extravagant house, for his majesty (Bill/Izuku). After a long search he finally found The most expensive house, the 203.96-sqm (2,195 sqft) house called the Kyodai Castle.

Of course it costs 1.5 million so it wasn't bought for 5 years. Izuku told the Lady that he will pay on the spot.

In reality Izuku doesn't have the money, but with a few tweaks from reality here and there, he quickly quadrupled the money in an instant. The lady was shocked and amazed that someone actually bought the House.

"Tell me, do you know a good place that lets me hire professional maids and a butler my dear lady?" Izuku asked, his face close to the Housing lady that she immediately turned red.

"Y-Yes sir, please follow me"

Please be reminded that Izuku is still 7 years old, so yeah, no lemons my friends.

End Chapateurrrrrrrrrrr MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

Izuku the Cipher (up for adoption)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon