anouncement 2

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I'm so sorry that theres another anouncement. Originally I was haveing a bad time deciding what to do to thank you all for 500 views in such a short amount of time. But now that I've just finnished watching ninjago sesons 11 - 13 my brain is everywhere with ideas for jay, kai and cole (somewhat)! So I have decided to write another book on the side of this one of your choosing. I will gave you the basic idea for each book but if you guys have any ideas on how to improve an idea please let me know!

My idea for kai

My idea for kai is kinda simple but it has to do with his powers in seson 11. I honestly feel like they could have done a lot more to that than what they did and I'm willing to reright seson 11 to the point kai has his own seson. He basically shared the seson with zane while jay and cole had complete sesons to themselves.
In my idea kai and nias parents were not kidnapped by the time twins and the snake girl (forgot her name already) killed them becouse they were the ones to betray her. (Not master wu though I did like that a bit)

My idea for jay

My idea for jay is kind of an extension  to his seson. In the end he mentions that he feels abandoned becouse he never got the chance to ask his parents why they abandoned him. We know his dad is dead but we still dont know what happened to his mom. So I want to make a book about that while also adding my own villain who's actually going to be smart and is targeting Jay becouse jay is literally a portable battery.  (Wich would be a bit difficult but I'll try)

And finally my idea for cole

I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do with cole but it also will have to do with his powers and his mom. My idea is that the skull master forces Cole to use his powers to move the earth so there was more to mine, but he wasintineing for gold, instead he was trying to make the entire city crumble underground. As for coles mom.. still kinda working on some tweaks on that.

So that's it. Those are the basics of my ideas. Honestly my favorite is kais but than again I think that's just favoritism talking. I love kai. Anyways. Say the name of which one you like the most in the comments. I will be deciding tomorrow around noon at latest becouse I'm an inpation person if you couldn't tell by how fast I update. I tell myself to stop but I cant. I must continue! Anyways also let me know if you have any addon ideas that could improve one of my book ideas! That's it for now! Dont forget to vote for your favorite! I will have another announcement when I need a name for the book yall choose! And dont feel like I'm forcing myself to do this. I love all ideas! But cant decided! So it's up to you. 😂😁
I think you guys are tired of my ranting! Bye!

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