ch.11 (rewritten)

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The lingering silence in the room became almost unbearable, stretching for hours without anyone daring to break it. Frustration and unease hung thick in the air, like a heavy fog refusing to dissipate. I couldn't stand the oppressive quiet any longer, feeling the weight of unspoken thoughts pressing down on us.

"Come on, guys... we all know we're thinking it," I sighed, my words cutting through the stifling atmosphere, reminiscent of a blade slicing through skin. The act of breaking the silence felt almost painful, like shards of glass falling to the floor, creating a mess we would need to navigate through to rebuild.

"Cole's right. We need to talk about this," Lloyd finally stated, his words shattering the lingering quiet as if breaking through a metaphorical window. The pieces scattered, requiring us to pick them up and reconstruct the conversation. The heaviness of the unspoken thoughts finally gave way to an acknowledgment of the need for discussion.

"We're all 100% sure now that the twins are using elemental masters to build something with elemental metal. The real question is what?" Lloyd continued, prompting thoughtful nods from everyone. Zane, ever analytical, added his input, "Perhaps they're making something that would allow them to regain their powers from the Timeblades." His words hung in the air, each possibility running through his meticulous database.

"Possibly, but I don't think that's it. Why would they need so many elemental masters for that?" Lloyd pondered aloud, his pacing back and forth mirroring the restlessness within us. The room fell into a contemplative hush, the potential answers and implications swirling in our minds.

Suddenly, the harsh atmosphere shattered again, this time replaced by the urgent blare of an alarm. We all sprang into action, racing to the deck where Misako awaited us, armed with crucial information. "There have been reports of these snake warriors going around and causing destruction in Ninjago," she explained, her words adding fuel to the building tension. Jay expressed his frustration with an audible stomp, exclaiming, "Ugh! More snakes!"

Lloyd, ever the leader, took charge. "Alright, guys! Be careful and observant on this one! We might get some more answers to what's going on!" His words echoed in the air as he ran out the door, and we followed in hot pursuit, the urgency of the situation propelling us forward into the unknown.

After the ominous exchange between the brothers, Krux and Akronix shared a glance that seemed to convey an unspoken agreement. The air grew thick with anticipation, and the weight of impending consequences hung heavily in the dimly lit cell. It was then that Krux, wearing a sly grin, turned his attention back to me.

"Well, well, Akronix, it seems the fire ninja has a penchant for digging his own grave," Krux remarked with a calculated amusement.

Akronix, fixating his predatory gaze on me, responded with a low growl. "Perhaps a lesson is in order." The menacing tone echoed through the cell, and a sense of foreboding settled upon us like a suffocating fog.

Caught in the crossfire of their impending decision, I couldn't resist the urge to challenge them further. "What did I say?" I retorted, attempting to maintain a facade of bravado. It was a risky move, and deep down, I knew the consequences could be dire.

Krux and Akronix exchanged another glance, and the room seemed to pulse with an undercurrent of tension. In a moment of suspense, Krux, with a sudden shift in demeanor, asked me a chilling question: "Do you wish to repeat what you said, ninja?" His voice carried a threatening edge, and the weight of the impending punishment loomed over me.

Caught off guard, I hesitated for a moment before summoning a semblance of defiance. "You heard me loud and clear," I responded, my tone laced with a mix of stubbornness and trepidation. The air crackled with tension as I braced myself for whatever consequences awaited my impulsive words.

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