ch.12 (rewritten)

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"Whoa, Jay. I've never seen you so mad before," Cole remarked, extending a hand to help me up from the ground. I brushed off the dirt, my frustration still simmering beneath the surface. "I know... I don't know what came over me," I admitted, my gaze shifting to Lloyd, who was still staring at the spot where Krux and Acronix had stood.

"Now that we know they have the Elemental Masters, it's clear there's more to this than we thought," Lloyd said, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. Zane and Nya walked over, joining the conversation.

"What do you mean, Lloyd?" Zane inquired, his analytical mind already processing the new information. Lloyd sighed, his expression heavy with concern. "I mean, now we have even more reason to find their hideout. Not only because they have the Elemental Masters, but that's also where they're taking the Timeblades they acquire."

Nya exchanged a glance with Zane, who nodded in understanding. "And now that we know they also have a Timeblade, we're at an equal match," Zane added, acknowledging the heightened stakes of the situation.

"Agreed. How about we head back to the Bounty and try to figure out a plan?" I suggested, eager to leave this unsettling place and strategize for what lay ahead. The others nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I agree," Cole chimed in, his determination matching the resolve in the rest of the team. As we started to walk back, the conversation continued, thoughts and ideas flowing.

"We need to be cautious," Zane pointed out, his metallic eyes scanning the surroundings. "They've demonstrated a knack for manipulation. Our next moves should be calculated and deliberate."

Nya nodded in agreement. "And we can't underestimate the significance of their hideout. It's not just a location; it's a key to understanding their entire operation."

Lloyd's expression tightened, his mind working through the puzzle. "If we can find their hideout, it might be our key to winning the game. It's not just about the Elemental Masters; it's about something more significant."

The Bounty loomed in the distance as our conversation delved deeper into the intricacies of our next steps.

I was melding some metal on the incoming Doom. It's already coming into shape! What are we going to do!? Where are my friends!? They should have been here by now!? My thoughts were interrupted when a forceful jolt knocked me to the side. Startled, I looked behind me to find Griffin, who had tripped and fallen. "Sorry," he mumbled in the midst of the chaos.

Glancing back up, a sinking feeling set in as I realized I had inadvertently set the wooden stands on fire. The flames roared to life, hungrily consuming the intricate structure. "FIRE!" Griffin's urgent yell cut through the clamor, drawing attention to the inferno now devouring the wooden platforms. The fire danced with malevolent delight, casting flickering shadows on the faces of the ninja, the glow reflecting the growing disaster.

Reacting swiftly, Shade's voice rang out, "Everyone get off the doomsday device!" Using his smoke ability, Shade descended to the ground. Griffin and I, along with others, leaped off, following him, leaving behind the catastrophic scene we had unintentionally orchestrated.

A groaning creak echoed through the chaotic aftermath as the doomsday device collapsed, sending pieces of debris scattering in all directions. The once-formidable structure now lay in ruins, a testament to the unintended consequences of our actions. Flames licked at the remnants of the wooden stands, casting an eerie glow over the scene of destruction.

I narrowly avoided a fragment hurtling toward me, leaping out of its path. The air crackled with residual energy as the colossal head of the doomsday device plummeted, its descent marking the climax of the chaos we had unwittingly unleashed. In a split second, someone seized me, dragging me away with a speed that defied the chaos surrounding us. Gasping for breath, I glanced up at Griffin, who was also catching his breath, his eyes reflecting a mix of shock and realization.

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