ch. 7 (rewritten)

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"So, you're telling us we have to choose between saving our friend and obtaining the Timeblades, and that this decision could determine the fate of Ninjago?" Wu nodded somberly, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on his wise shoulders. He paced a few steps, his eyes betraying the weight of the responsibility he felt. "Normally, I would advise never to leave a ninja behind, but..." All eyes turned to me, and I felt the collective weight of their expectations. I clenched my fists, wrestling with my inner conflict. "What is it, Cole?" I sighed, the burden of responsibility settling in. "I want to find Kai, really, but we have no leads on where he is. I think, for now, our priority should be getting the Timeblades. At least until we have some sort of lead on where Kai could be." Nya's concern surfaced, her voice breaking the charged silence. "YOU WANT US TO NOT FIND KAI!" Zane stepped in with his usual calm demeanor, seeking to soothe the growing tension. "Cole is right. Without leads on their hideout, our chances of finding it increase while we search for the Timeblades. I agree with Cole's statement. Let's find the Timeblades but also keep an eye out for any clues to where Kai is." He raised his hand to his chin, deep in thought. A thoughtful silence hung in the air, the weight of our choices settling on each one of us.

The group gathered in a tight circle, determination and worry etched on their faces. Lloyd,  spoke up first, his voice a blend of confidence and concern. "Guys, think about what Kai would want us to do. He'd want us to save Ninjago, no matter the cost." Nya, Kai's sister, nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and sadness. Jay, ever the optimist, chimed in, "Yeah, Kai would say we need to do what's right for Ninjago. We'll find him after, I'm sure of it!" Cole, with his calm demeanor, added, "Kai's tough. He'd want us to focus on the bigger picture. Let's get those Timeblades and save Ninjago, just like he would." Zane, the analytical mind, spoke thoughtfully, "Kai would prioritize the safety of others. We must ensure the safety of Ninjago first." Pixel, the ninjroid, processed the information and stated, "Kai would want us to make the tough choice that serves the greater good."

As they shared memories and thoughts, Lloyd reminisced, "Remember that time Kai pretended to be a bad guy, all to save us and Ninjago? He was willing to take on that role to protect everyone." Nya nodded, a hint of a smile crossing her face as she remembered Kai's fiery determination. "And let's not forget how he always pushed us to be better, even when things seemed impossible. Kai's spirit is what makes us a team." Jay added with a laugh, "I can still hear him cracking jokes in the heat of battle, trying to lighten the mood when things got tough even though that was technically my job... He did it too."

In the dimly lit room, Lloyd took a step forward, his eyes reflecting determination and a sense of responsibility. He extended his hand toward the center, a symbolic gesture that carried the weight of their shared mission. "For Kai, for Ninjago, we will continue the fight. We'll find the Timeblades, just like he would have wanted."

Jay, sensing Lloyd's resolve, followed suit, placing his hand next to Lloyd's. "Absolutely, buddy! Kai wouldn't want us to give up. Let's keep the flame alive and find those Timeblades!"

Cole, the pillar of calm strength, added his hand to the forming circle. "Kai always believed in us. We owe it to him and Ninjago to press on. Count me in."

Zane, the analytical mind, joined the pledge, placing his hand methodically. "Logical conclusion: Our mission is clear. We must retrieve the Timeblades for the sake of Kai and the safety of Ninjago."

Pixel, the ninjroid, followed suit with a precise motion, contributing to the unity of the group. "Objective confirmed: Locate the Timeblades. I am prepared to assist in the mission."

The circle began to take shape, but Nya stood a bit apart, her eyes reflecting a mix of hesitation and deep emotion. She watched as each hand joined the collective pledge, torn between her desire to find her brother and the practicality of their mission.

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