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First of all I want to thank you all for the support I get on this book. I cant believe I have already reached 400 views on this book! My other books may have over 300 and are close to 400 but they have tooken a long time to get to this point! This books has definitely reached above my expectations! I just really wanted to say thank you.
I have never got this support on any of my other books and would love it if you could check those out I would apreashate it. But you dont have to. That's if you want to. Fair warning some are a bit bad becouse they were my first books but I have learned a lot of grammar and stuff by reading other fanfics and I'm trying to fix them. I also would like to shoutout Ninjagotimer123 he/she has been one of the first people to read this book and I have seen some of there works and love them!
I really apreashate that she/he has been staying with the book and communicating with me the entire time! Most updates would have been much later if she/he didnt speak up asking for another update! That's all now. Thank you all for the support! I will get to work on the next chapter as soon as I can. I also would love some ideas that you guys can throw at me. I'm kinda running out of ideas to continue the story without it appearing rushed. So please let me know if you have some ideas that would be great. Alright by everyone!

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