chapter twenty six a new year

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A few months latter

Lanas pov

I wake to complete silence I stretch and hear a loud crack as my back popped, I went to the bathroom and cut the water on I slipped my cloths off letting them hit the floor with a light ruffle sound. I got in the shower and let the hot water burn my skin I washed my figure and hair. I got out a nd seen my red flesh from the water I dried off and got dressed I walked in to the living room to see tyrese walk over to me he picked me up in to a tight hug I wrapped my legs around him to elongate the hug he walked over to the couch and sat me down he sat next to me I lad my head on his lap and he ran his fingers through my hair "well seeing as it's new years eve me and you are going out partying " tyrese says with dominance in his voice "ok where are we going then" I ask lean back to hear his answer better "every where we can" he says with excitement in his voice "go get ready it starts in an hour" I got up and shuffled myself to our room and graves a nice pare of black jeans with a gray tank top I slip my cloths on and grave my paint splattered converses I put on some eyeliner, shadow and mascara I slipped on my favorite long sleeve that was all lace and walked out to see tyrese dressed in a nice pare of jeans and black shirt with a couple of chains around his neck. We made our way to his car and we hoped in and put on some music we pulled off heading to where ever he had planned.

Couple hours later

"Lana get in here" I walk around the corner to see tyrese sitting in the v.I.p area in the club we were in I walk over and sit next to him throwing my legs over his lap "here" he said handing me a white pill "ecstasy are you serious ty ty" I take the pill and pop it in my mouth. I'm walking through the club my body intensely numb I run in to tyrese Again and he pull me close to him and we dance which feels like hours finally the drug where's off and we leave the club. We head to my friends and aunts house to finish our celebration. We arrive at my family's house there was people every where toilet papered trees and empty liquor bottles on the ground we walk in to the house and see people partying harder then I've every seen a bleach cat comes up to me then changes "hey crystal"I walk over to her hugging her "umm Lana she's naked" I smile " I nknow she's one of my crazy friends,oh here comes my aunt" I walk over to her and hug her she hands me a blunt I take a big puff from it and join the party "ty ty what time is it" he looks at his clock"it 11:59" I smile and pull him close to me I watch the clock it turns twelve and be for I could say anything Tyreses lips clashed with mone in a deep kiss " happened new year my love"

by fate we are bindedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora