chapter nineteen seeing an old friend

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When I awake I feel nothing at all next to me freaked out I jump up and scramble to search the house I didn't look for long though as soon as I rounded the corner to the kitchen tyrese was there cooking breakfast. I walk up behind him and throw my arms around him he jumps and almost drop the pot in his hand "hey bebe" he hands me a plate of bacon,eggs,toast and a large glass ok blood "what's this for " motioning to the blood "it's for you and your blood lust" I picked up a little irrational in his voice "how did yo...." I shake my head letting my words trail off . I let my thoughts go as I walked to the table "there's a letter for you on the table "he whispers out just load enough for me to hear. I picked it up and it read(Lana I miss you, you haven't contacted me in the past six months please I miss you girl) I lay the letter down "tyrese I have to leave for a few days ok" I twiddle the butter knife I have in my hand I hear him sigh "go on then go see your friend I'm sure she misses you as much as you miss her" I smile and finished my breakfast. I threw my cloths in a small backpack hugged and kissed tyrese and set out walk threw the woods leaving me and my thoughts to them selves. An hour gose by I feel my hunger grow I smell fresh blood near by I drop my bag off and change in to my windago form and take off in that direction. I arrive and see a man bloody laying on the ground I walk up to him he trays to scream but blood clogged his throat I pick him up as he whimpred in my grasp. I felt his pulse get faint I quickly crushed his throat and let his limp body hit the ground I change to myself and fed on his blood. I got up and spirited back to my stuff leaving the corpse. I graves my stuff and continued walking to my friends apartment in the city

I finally reach the edge of the woods behind my friends apartment complex I scaled the building to her window and opened it still it opened to easy "Miranda you got to be more careful creepers could get in here easly you know"I hear loud foot step then she jumped on me pinning me to the ground with a hug "hey girly "I say trying to catch my breath with her squeezing the air out of my lungs. "Lana I missed you how's life been god what happens to you all th else scares fuck girl "she let me up and lead me to the kitchen "I new you were coming I could feel as soon as you opens the letter I knew you loved me to much not to come "she smiled and we sat down while eating I told her about how life was over the last six months she told me about her new boyfriend and how sweet he was before we new it was 3:00am she showed me to my room I sat there think of how life was for the past time falling in love with tyrese was big I never thought I would ever find the one like this but soon I felt my eyelids fall heavy with sleep knocking at the the door I shut my eyes and enter my dream world.

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