chapter ten party hard

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When I wake my aunt is there with 9 bottles of liquor "least get a real party started "she shouted and the front door opens up and thousands of people came pouring in the room I got up avoiding the party and went to the bath room "what time is it"I whisper to myself looking for a clock when I found one it read 8:00" did I sleep that long " I run down stairs and find crystal and pull her to the side "can I stay here a few nights"she shakes her head and rejoins the party I walk to to my car and grave my stuff walk in the house up the stairs and to the room I assume to be empty and get my stuff comfortable. I dit on my bed and chill for a little bit but soon decide to join the party I get up and grabbed the nearest liquor and it Saud maple I took a big swig stumbled a little because the sudden shock shook my head and provided to walk down stairs when I reached the bottom I fell on my ass from some alcohol that was spilt I get up as ringing in my ears abd proceeded in the kitchen to see my aunt chugging some beer and everyone cheering her on I smile and move to rtf he living room to crystal getting drunk as fuck to the stitches song facts I walk over to her and encourage her worst thing I could have ever done she began to strip and was getting really frisky I run back to my room lock the door and pass out

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