Chapter 23: Thursday

Start from the beginning

It was usually Michelle who washes the dishes; however, I volunteered anyway. It's the least I can do to get near them. But I was wrong; they are still distant and cautious around me like they're afraid that every wrong move they make will annoy the hell out of me and glare at them - well, it will, but I am trying my best to keep my emotions at bay.

I watch them climb up the stairs as they say goodnight to each other. A long sigh comes out from my mouth as I place the plate gently on the sink. The bubbles keep me company as I wash the plates. When was the last time I played with the lather?

I climb up the stairs and hit the sack. I am so tired! Both physically and emotionally. I stare at the ceiling — which has become my habit whenever I feel lost or blue — and lose myself in the wilderness of my despair. It's as desolate as the Everfree forest, and as chaotic as Equestria during Discord's rule.

I love silence, but this one's just driving me on edge. The house is too quiet that my thoughts are already screaming at each other — putting the blame, trying to think of a solution, then eventually degrading myself. It's suffocating! I hate my mind sometimes. I hate myself in general.

I get up and shake those thoughts away — arguing with myself won't help me, it'll just drive me crazy — and got out of my room; I knock on her door, hoping she will open it. And she did, her hair covering half of her face like an emo-kid. Her eyes are wary as she carefully stares back at me; well, this is awkward.

"I need to go outside and buy some... thing," I trail off, my voice getting softer in every word that comes out from my mouth. I want to give her a heads-up just in case I don't get back in time, and my paranoid father would look for me.

"Will you be okay outside?" She blurts out, causing her to cover her mouth, and got hit by the side of her door. I flinch upon the action, wincing as if I am the one in pain. I tried to reach out a hand, supposedly to check up on her, but she manages to regain her composure and got back to holding the doorknob and the edge of the door, clearly telling that I am not welcome inside her room. Why would I even go inside her room in the first place? Aren't I suppose to go outside for a little breather? "What I mean is that you don't know where the convenience store is, and you might get lost, and Uncle Jefferson might kill us if you won't be back on time, and if something bad happens to you – "

I pat her head to stop her from blabbering; the way she said it gave me second-thoughts on whether I should go outside or just stay here where I am safe. Geez, dad's paranoia infected my step-sister. Her eyes grew wide when I gave her a reassuring smile.

"I think I can find it, and I won't get lost. I'm good at remembering things," especially unfavorable events. I turn my back on her, waving goodbye.

I glance at my phone and look at the time; the night is still young, and those two adults will be staying late at the gymnasium. The cold night wind passes by, giving me the chills and causing my hairs on my skin to stand up as I close the gates; it is a chilly night for a summer season, alright. I put on my hood and starts walking down to who-knows-where.

The street is dark, and the distance from one streetlight to another isn't helping at all. I'm glad the residents here have the habit of leaving their lights on their porch on. I look up at the gloomy sky; the moon is smiling, yet the sky doesn't look so happy today. I can distinguish different shades of black up there — from the lightest shade of the thinnest cloud to the darkest shade of the vast universe. Veil of clouds are covering up most of the stars, yet despite that, they still did their best to shine in the dark — giving hope to those who've lost it like me.

I clutch on my jacket tighter as the wind rush through me in a hurry. Somehow the cold breeze managed to calm me down for a while. Now, this is what you call peace and tranquility–

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