-Hey Again!-

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The Tower of Nero came out yesterday, and as a huge fan of the TOA series, a did a little headcannon/fan chapter of what  a dark! Apollo would be when he got back from godhood. I obviously don't want him to be this way because of Jason (spoiler) Grace's death, him yelling 'Remember!' and all that. I honestly don't even know if Apollo loves Meg enough to turn down immortality! And if he did, wouldn't that completely undo the Greek Pantheon? More evil baddies would come looking for him to become the new sun god? I don't know! So many theories. Anyway, here's just a little bit of writing I wanted to share, nowhere near as developed at the rest of the book. Speaking of which, I'm only posting this because the Atypical plot is giving me a little more trouble (Okay, a LOT) than expected, and I understand that you guys need something to read. So, here it is.

By Cookie Creation

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By Cookie Creation

This picture of Apollo as a god (just before Zeus put him in stasis) makes me go SQUEE! Who else agrees?

     I pictured where I wanted to be.

     And then I came down.

     I found myself at camp again, surrounded by everybody. Meg was directly in front of me, raggedy in her ripped, muddy dress. The rest of the campers looked shocked and confused. Something like fear sparked in her eyes, something I'd never seen from her directed at me, and she took a step back.

     "Apollo?" she asked.

     As a god, I knew exactly what I looked like. I had fair skin with a wonderful beach tan, sharp blue/cerulean eyes, a faint splash of freckles, and sandy hair. I was wearing a crisp white hoodie and pale jeans. My go-to teenager look. I recalled this was my last form before I got blasted out of godhood.

     "Yeah." I grinned, which seemed to make Meg even more nervous. "Yeah. It's me!"

     A ball of power built in my chest, hot and fast, spreading to every part of me. I clenched my fists. I was ready to take on anything.

     "WOOHOO!" I screamed. Wind started to blow, strong, fast, and hot. My beautiful new hair fluttered around my face.

     My form flickered. I was next to cabin 7. In the central green. On the porch of the big house. In the pavilion. My body was in many different places at once, like a small army of glowing holograms, and let me tell you, it felt GREAT.

     Something else, besides power, swirled inside me too though. A darkness. I could blow this side of the continent with one thought. This camp, the humiliations I had to endure, the- the trials.

     I was not a toy.

     I was not a game.

     I was powerful. And now I wanted to use it.

     I thought of Nero, Caligula, Commodus, Python, Cade, Mikey, and so many others who had made my mortal life miserable.

     I wanted revenge.

     Apparently, this was visible on my face. The campers started to back away as I began to glow. "Apollo!" Meg yelled. "What are you doing?" The look on her face was of a grieving person. Why? I was back to my normal self.

     "What's wrong, Meg?" I yelled above the sound of the wind howling. My voice issued from every flickering form, sounding like a thousand voices. And it wasn't the same as Lester's, either. It was stronger, deeper, sassier. More me! "This is what we've been after the last six months, no? To restore my power. To get me back to my throne. This is it!"

     I thought back to the very beginning of my quest. Where had I suffered first?

     It came to me in a snap. My memory was now flawless. Back to Manhattan. I considered flashing to that little alley, but that was too easy. Should I play my little game that I had been tortured with these past months instead? Walk there, maybe fight another terrible monster along the way, unarmed? I laughed devilishly.

     "It's not," Meg said. She was sobbing.

     "What's not?" I asked, utterly confused.

     "It's not been to get you back to power. It's been about righting wrongs. Your wrongs. You can't go and..."

     "And what?" I demanded. I was a god. There was no can't for me. "Take revenge?"

     "Yeah," she said. "I can't believe you were even thinking that..."

     "If you will stop me from leaving, then I shall have to stop you," I said coldly.

     "N-no. Apollo-"

     The flickering, grinning forms of my perfect essence solidified into gold statues, all over camp. Precisely just enough for each camper. They started to move towards the campers, grabbing them and pinning their arms down, blocking their way. Not automatons. Essences of me.

     I scowled. "No one tells me what to do. Not anymore."

     "But I do!" Meg shrieked desperately. She eyed a statue that was getting close to Harley. The little boy held up a wrench against it, taking slow steps back. "I order you to make them disappear!"

     I waited to feel the effect of her command, that shudder, that jolt of obedience. Nothing.

     I grinned. "You have no control over me, girl."

     Campers shielded each other from my statues, throwing things at them, yelling to make them go away. But the statues were just as handsome as me, just as amazing as me, just as angry as me. They didn't stop.

     "They won't hurt you unless you provoked them!" I yelled out to the entirety of Camp Half-Blood. Then I lowered my voice to my single body, speaking to Meg. "Just like me."

     A flash of light, and I was gone

A/N: Again, obviously, this is not what I want to happen (though dark! Apollo would be pretty cool, no?). It's a thought, a theory, because when Apollo gets turned into a god again I will assume he still feels like a mortal at heart, even with his body sizzling with godly power, remembering all the deaths, Jason, Heloise the griffin, Crest the pandos. I've not read The Tower of Nero yet, but can't wait until it's available on Weebly!

Happy reading!

Edit: I was lucky enough to get the Tower of Nero on Amazon for 13 dollars, and it's coming tomorrow! Squeee! I highly recommend you do too. This series is awesome and so underrated.

Honestly, I really, really want to thank the six readers who got this far. Do you think you could comment so I can find out who you are? You definitely mean a lot to me. Thanks again.

I regret to inform the very small masses that read this book, that I am putting 'Atypical' on hold. I have about fifteen other books going on and my google drive is on overload from being open literally 24/7. Like, I've gone the last three months without ever deleting/closing the tab for my 'Atypical' draft. That's either really committed of me or really very stupid.

I am happy to report, however, that I have updated these chapter titles to draw in a little more readers, I hope. I tried to make them a little funnier, but they are no way as good as Magnus's original stories. I am also happy to say that in my google doc I have nearly finished my plot idea for 'Atypical' and have about thirty to forty pages of size eleven arial font of some new good stuff for this story that you haven't read yet.

I'm on my way!

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