Chapter 10

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-(Paige's POV)-

Trevor, Smee, Kaliegh and I all stepped onto the Jolly Roger. "Hey Paige did you like the date thing?" Killian asks, as he walks up to me. I nod. "Yup! It was amazing." He laughs. "That boyfriend of yours was stressing that you wouldn't." I laugh a little and turn around to see the eyes in the forest again. I stare deeper into them. Round, almond shaped eyes the glowed a bright green color. Pupils small, eyes squinted.

Turning my gaze away from them, I look up. The moon, that was as white as snow, conducting the only light. Bright stars twinkling in the sky. I look back into the forest, the eyes were still glaring at me. I look at Trevor, who was apparently seeing the same thing. "That's Peter." Kaliegh says, noticing our gaze. "He likes to watch over us. Sometimes, just sometimes, he likes to come up and fight with us." I make eye contact with Peter. "Hey, is he protecting something? Like something I shouldn't know about?"

"Don't worry about that, Paige. It's not any of your business." Smee answers, walking up and putting an arm around Kaliegh. "Oh, but it is, Nathan. Me and Trevor were sent here with no memory, no idea why we were here. Nobody will even tell us who took us, or even why we are here. Just please, oh please, give us some sort of answer." I plead. He shakes his head. "We already have, Pay. You have to think about why we are here. Why all of us are here. How all of us are here." He replies. "What ever, I am going to go speak with Nate. Someone who actually doesn't lie to me." I spin on my heals, followed by Trevor, and started walking up the trail.

Coming up the hill, we spot Nate staring into the fire. I run up behind him. "Nate!" I sit next to him, he didn't even look up from the fire. "Back stabbing sister...." He mumbles, under his breath. "What? What's wrong?" Trevor asks. He seems to be getting a little more comfortable around the Neverlanders. Nate just stares in disgust at the fire. "All of what was good, has been ruined." He says. I pick up his hand, and interlaced our fingers, making Trevor tense. Ignoring him, I proceed to try to comfort Nate. "Nate, what's wrong?" He just points over to Tigerlily's tipi. I quietly get up, and walk over to the structure.

Inside, where many brightly colored cloths and her sitting in a chair. "Well, well, well, Little Caylen has returned." She gets up, and walks straight up to me. "Well, well, well, Tigerlily's still a bitch." I smirk at her. "Why is Nate freaking?" "He isn't 'freaking,' Paige. Dear, he's just in shock." She steps back a little. "Shock? Shock from what?" I stare straight into her eyes. "The truth, of coarse. My dear, the good doesn't always win." She hops back onto her chair. "You know, good almost always wins." I reply. "Listen here, Paige. I know why you are here." My body tenses, and I almost fall to the floor. "Wh-what do you mean?" "You see, you and this boy are very special, are you not?" She gets up and walks over to Trevor. "This boy," She starts to caress his jaw line. "This boy is the key." Tensing up at someone touching my boyfriend like that, I clench my jaw. "What do you mean, key?" She shrugs. "You tell me. Forbidden boy, huh? The boy you weren't suppose to fall for? Justin's friend, I assume?" She walks over to me. "How did you know that?" She simply shrugs. "I don't know. But, I have a deal for you." Trevor grabs my hand before she could touch his jaw again.

"That would be...?" She smirks. "Get a pine cone from the Forbidden Zone, and I'll bring you two home." I look at her with wide eyes. "Are you crazy? That's a suicide!" I reply, with a lot of fear in my voice. "Do we have a deal, or not?" She puts out her hand.

"Deal." I leave, leaving her with her thoughts.

"Are you crazy?!" Trevor asks, as we are out of the Tipi. "No, Trev. I didn't shake her hand. There is no actual deal going." I reply, walking down the trail. "Oh! I see, but how exactly are we going to pull this off?" I shrug. "Well, I think we need to figure all of this out. Smee and Kaliegh have been dropping clues, but I'm not completely sure...." I reply. Instead of walking to the ship, we walk to the cliff. I put my feet over the edge, staring up at the moon. "Although I don't want to, I think we may have to go to the Forbidden Zone." He shakes his head. "No way, babe. According to all the things Smee has told me, I don't think that is a good idea." He replies, turning his gaze to me. "Trevor, listen to me. Sometimes, we need to take risks. Through all of this, that's really our only option." He sighs, knowing I'm right.

"I just can't lose you, Paige. I don't think Jc wants to lose you, either." "Trev, what do you think Jc is reacting to us being gone?" He looks at his knees. "I really have no idea."

-(Jc's POV)-

"Connor! Where are they!?" I ask frantically. "They should be back by now! Last time Paige was back in less then a day!" Ricky came into the room. "Dude, calm down. It's going to be fine." I look down quietly. "If mom finds out, I'm going to be dead." I put my head in my hands. "They'll come back, don't worry about it." I sigh. "You're right. I shouldn't be stressing. I just have to stay alert, I guess." They smile. "There you go, man." I look around the room. "Have any of you seen my bandana?" I ask, scanning the room. They all shake their heads. "No, why? Did you loose it?" Connor asks, looking up from a bowl of cereal he's taking a picture of. "Yeah, I don't know where it went. It has to be around here some where." I get up. "Wait no, Paige has it. Never mind." I sink back down in the chair. Everyone gives me a sad look. "They'll be back some time." "I really hope so."

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