Chapter 7

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~Paige's POV~

"Hey, I never got my hug." I say as we get home. "Your an idiot, you know that?!" He says rapping his arms around my shoulders. He so freaking tall. I only come up to about his chest. "Ahhh come on! You know I'm around ten times smarter then you." I let go of his stomach. "Eh......that's probably true." I sit down on a log near by our shelter. "So, how's your music going?" I ask. "Great, actually! I just launched my ep XIAT!" He says suddenly getting really excited. "Wow! That's really great, Trevor!" I say coming off exactly as excited as he is. "Sing it to me?" His eyes perk up even more.

"There's always been a need to get rid of this grief," he starts to sing. While he sings, he dances a little, this really cracks me up. He finishes that song. "That one is called XIAT. It stands for anxiety." He states sitting down. "You have anxiety, Trev?" I ask. "Well uh, yeah." He looks down, embarrassed. "Wanna know something?" I ask. He becomes more interested.

"So do I." He looks at me with wide eyes. "And trust issues, and depression and I should really get help to stop self harming." I look straight into his beautiful blue eyes. He scoots a little closer. "You do? I had no idea." He says. I look up at him. "Yeah. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be Norma-" Trevor cuts me off. "You are normal, Paige. You don't even know." He moves his and a little closer to mine. "I'm no where normal, Trev. I'm just a broken little gir-" I cut me off by putting a finger to my lips. "Paige, don't talk about yourself like that." He removes his index finger and scoots a little closer, putting his hand back where it was. "Sunsets beautiful, isn't it?" He says. I nod in agreement. "It very much is, babe-Trevor." I slip. Nice save Paige. He turns to me and smiles. "Beautiful, like you..." He scoots. so close our legs are touching. I don't move, I'm just in complete shock. He takes the hand that's practically holding mine and puts it around my shoulders.

I turn my head to face him, to see he is already looking at me. "You wouldn't mind if I.." Trevor says and starts to lean in. I just stay still waiting for him to get nearer. He slowly leans all the way in and brushes our lips. I couldn't take it anymore so I quickly press our lips together. I have never done this before, so I let him lead. He slowly moves his Hands from around my shoulders to on my waist and I put mine around his neck. He breaks the kiss to stand up, motioning for me to do the same. By the time I'm completely steady he had already continued. I had to stand on my tip toes so I could reach him, he's just so dang tall. It wasn't a 'sloppy, hungry' kiss either. It was a sweet, 'I like you and I have been waiting to do this for 436181927 years' type of kiss. He comes up after awhile. "Babe, you have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." Trevor says, smiling. He still had his arms on my waist, and mine around his neck. "I'm happy you did." I start to kiss him again.

"We're falling the leader, the leader, the leader, the leader....." A few young voices said. I come up right away. "What's wrong?" Trevor asks, puzzled. "Shush, listen." I say, but still stay in the same position. "We're following the leader, the leader." It was closer now. "Fuck lost boys." I say. "Trevor, we have to run." I say and drop my hands and heals. I run in the shelter and grab anything we need, such as the map, clothes and food. I run out of the shelter. The chanting is as loud as ever. "Trevor! Run to the Pirates a Ship! RUN!" I yell at the boy. He doesn't think twice and starts bolting down the trail. I do the same. I try to get in a pattern. Left right. Left right. Left right. Up front, is Trevor sprinting, in the back was about 4 lost boys. I was exactly in the middle. Trevor looks back, and slows down a little bit, letting me catch up. "Thanks." I say through pants. "No-no problem." He spits out. I notice a root sticking out of the dirt on the trail. Coming up to it, I try to jump over it, but I end of failing and tripping on it. I felt a hand rap around my ankle. "No saving her now." One of the snarled. They start pulling me back into the forest, but I grab hold of the root at the very last second. "Let go you girl." Another spits out. Trevor quickly realizes what's going on and grabs my wrist, pulling. "HOLY MY JUST OWEWWWWWWW!" I scream in pain because of my cuts. He moves his hand a little further up my arm and continues to pull. "Let - go - of - her -" Trevor says in between pulls.

After a few yanks, he finally wins me and we continue to run for the ship. Of coarse, the little brat rats follow us. I feel the soft sand of the cove hit my feet. We aren't that far from the ship. "PAIGE WHATS WRONG?" Hook calls from the ship. "LOST BOYS!" I scream back. He screams some different demands, I couldn't quite catch. In the distance, I saw a bridge go down. "COME ON GUYS! YOU CAN DO IT!" Kaliegh yells from the boat. "YEAH COME ON!" Smee yells. "STOP BEING LAZY ASSES! RUN!" Killian yells. Love you too Killian. We continue to run until we get on the boat. Trevor turns to me. "Are you OK, baby?" He asks pecking my lips. I nod. "Woah, are you two a thing now?!" Nathan asks. Me and Trev look at each other then back at him. "Yes, yes we are." Trevor answers.

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