Chapter 3

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~Paiges POV~

He started to circle us. "You look so different. What is it? The hair?" I roll my eyes. "What do you want?" My voice was almost at a growl. "Oh nothing nothing, my princess." That little flirt. "Haha funny. Don't you dare call me that." He looks down, smirking a little. "Yeah, about that. I think the name fits you." Jc comes upstairs. "Hey, who you guys talking to?" Trevor opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. "Save your breath, Trevor. He can't see him. He's over 18." "She's right. Only 'kids' can see me" That little brat says. 

"Um, are you ok Paige? I think you need to sleep...." Jc says walking out of the room. "OK, Paige. Lets cut to the chase. You need to comeback to Neverland with me." Peter says, looking down. "Haha funny, you little brat. No way I'm going back with you. Not since last time." I say backing away a little. "No you have too.... I have a little....surprise."  

Grass. I am in prickly grass. Where am I? All I can hear is some birds chirruping and some insects. No exactly bee's or butterflies. More of a deep purring sound. In between a bee buzz and the gentle chirp of a cricket. This bug is called a Zic. Usually found in Neverland. These bugs are quite extraordinary. Big wings with small, black bodies. Adult Zics are usually the size of a small house fly, or a small spider. Baby Zics are the size of ants. These bugs are extremely dangerous. They feed on fairy wings. Fairies without wings, well they don't survive more then a day, two if lucky. The humans that live on Neverland are'nt to worried about these insects. They are piratically harmless to human flesh. The only reason why you would be concerned about this bug is if you own a fairy. 

 I sit up, confused of what happened and where I am. I Stand up, bush myself off and look around. Grabbing a stick next to me, I walk around the vast field I'm in. Walking a few feet, I hear rustling in a few high wees, to the side of me. "H-Hello?" I call, scared. It rustled again. It seemed like either a human, or a large cat of some sort. Using the large stick, I walk over and poke the figure. It moved again, not making any noise. I poke it again, and It seems to wake from a vast slumber. "What the hell?" A male voice said, I recognized it. He sat up. "Trevor?!" I say, surprised. Peter never brings people older then 10 to Neverland, unless they have been here before. "Paige?! Where are we?! How did he get here?" He asked alarmed. "Trevor calm down. This is called the Field of The Living. This is where all of the Mainlanders, like us, come when they are brought here." I respond. "What are 'Mainlanders'?" He asks. I start to walk into a forest close by. "The mainlanders are the people from Earth, like us. Then there are the Neverlanders, such as Peter, the Indians, fairies ect. Basically anything that lives in Neverland is a Neverlander." We get deeper into the forest. 

"This is called the Pixie Tree Woods. It's pretty dangerous, considering none of the fairies like the humans, besides Peter of coarse. They feel we steal all of the attention from them." I duck under a tree branch that hung low, over a small path we were on.  "There are three parts to Neverland. The part where we are at now, Pixie Place. This is where all of the fairies, pixie's and magical creatures live. This is to the left. In the middle, is the main part. This is where all of the humans live. Its called "The Neighborhood." Indians, Mermaids, Pirates and people like Peter live there. Lastly, there is the Forbidden Zone. No one knows whats out there, no one has made it back alive. That is to the far right." I explain as we walk. 

"Where are we going?" Trevor asks. "Um, last time I was here, I made a shelter. It's not to far from here. After that, we are heading to Captain Hook for some things." I respond walking a little faster as we past the Pixie Dust Tree. The Pixie Dust Tree is the tree where all the fairies an pixies get their pixie dust. It is made daily. The creatures have to be very careful how they use it because they only get a little amount per day.

Trevor and I came up to a bunch of tree branches blocking off an area of the forest. Pushing them aside, it showed a medium size shack. Could easily fit two. The shack was made of some branches weaved together to create walls, and the same for the top. On the outside, were stones, forming stronger walls for support. Then for the roof, was the same. As for the door, it was a wooden door that opened and closed. Inside it was split into rooms. One has two beds in it, (I made it so if someone came unexpectedly) and two bedside tables. The next room had a shelf, for storage, a table, and a few wood chairs. The last room, was a room full of shelves, baskets, bags, backpacks and buckets. 

"Wow, you made all of this?" Trevor asked in ah. "Yeah, when I was 13, um my 3rd time in Neverland." I state. The boy looks at me. "Three times? Why were you here three other times?" "Oh um, I have my reasons. You don't need to worry about it." I sigh. "Grab a backpack, we are going to the pirate's ship." I walk into the other room and grab a backpack, followed by Trevor. "Got one? OK good. We can pick up some food down at the ship. Lets go, we need to talk to Captain Hook." He nods in agreement and with that we are down the trail.

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