Chapter 11

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-(Paige's POV)-

The wood hut took me about a week to build, making sure the walls were sturdy, making multiple rooms, it takes a while. Trevor and I walk into the hut. Both of us gaze in awe. "What happened?" Trevor gasps. All around the different rooms, were the letter "W" written in red ink. I walk up to one of the shelfs. There was half of a locket. A small heart shaped gold pendant, hanging off of a broken gold chain. My hand creeps up the side of the shelf as I take the fragile price of jewelry in my hand. As soon as my skin makes contact with the medal, it goes black.

My eyes pop open. "Here, Tay Tay." Tigerlily smirks, handing a small girl a glass of what seemed like red koolaid. "Thank you, Miss." She replies, taking the glass and pressing it to her lips. She takes a gulp and comes up giggling. She had a red stain from the liquid on her upper lip. "Thank you miss." There was a One Direction themed backpack in the far corner. They didn't seem to notice me in the room. "I need to go meet with my friend, I'll be back later. Okay sweetie?" She says, stroking the little girls messed up braids. "Okay, bye Miss." She replies.

"Earth to Paige...." Trevor nudges me. I drop the chain. "What happened?" I ask, trying to comprehend the last minute or so. "I have no idea, you like blacked out." He puts a hand on my cheek. "Are you okay?" I nod, looking around the room. "Do you have any idea where the other half of that locket is?" I lick my already chapped lips in frustration. "I need to find it." The boy picks up the piece of jewelry and examines it. "No, why? Is it yours?" I put my palm out and he places it in the center. "No, not exactly." I stuff the locket in my backpack. "We should get going." Trevor leans up against the splintered wood to the doorframe. "Where will we be going, might I ask?" I put a hand in my jacket pocket, feeling a piece of material. I pull it out to find Jc's slightly stained, lucky bandana. With out taking my eyes off of the bandana, I reply. "We are going to go find my sister."

"Paige! Slow down! Would you mind telling me where we are going?!" Trevor asks, casing after me. "I told you already." I stop, looking left and right and left, and walking toward the left. "Going to find Taylor is not an answer, Paige." He grabs my arm and pulls me to face him. "Just trust me." I yank my arms from his grip and swiftly turn around. Trevor puffs and chases after me, once again. I start to run down a trail lined by white daisies. "Paige! Please slow down!" Trevor catches up. I slump in a patch of grass just off of the trail. He stops, putting his hands on his knees and catching his breath.

"Where are we going, anyway?!" Trevor says, in between short breaths. "I TOLD YOU!" I yell at him. "No, not what we are doing, where we are going." "Oh, the Forbidden Zone, idiot." I look up at his pink cheeks, and smile. I stand up and kiss the apple of them. Even when he is bent down, I have to stand up taller then normal to kiss him. He is so tall, maybe a foot taller. He smiles, and looks back at the ground, still trying to catch his breath. My backpack falls to my feet and I pick out the map. Using some small rocks to hold down the edges, I show Trevor the map. "We need to go past the forest to the river, that separates us from the place we need to be." I trail my finger across the map. "What's that?" Trevor questions, pointing at a small building. "Well, that's the Lost Boy's Cabin. We need to ovoid that at all costs." "And what's that?" Trevor moves his finger to another building on the other side of the river. "Well, that's- I have no idea." I roll up the map and place it back in the small bag I am carrying. I fix both mine and Trevor's swords and swing the backpack on my shoulder. Before we are off, I pull out the bandana out of my pocket and tie it across my forehead. "Let's go." Trevor smiles, and grabs my hand. "Let's."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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