"Because Jungkook, it appears that they're monitoring Y/n-" Namjoon said resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Exactly- then the last message was sent after she changed into a girl and it basically said we'd see what monster she really is" Yoongi added.

"She's just a girl now- she was a cat, and yeah normal cats don't change but- "

"Well like I said before, she's not a normal cat, she's a hybrid" Taehyung interrupted.

The four of us turned our heads to face the now light brown haired second youngest. Who stood resting against the doorway to my room, chewing on what we all new was imaginary gum.

To be honest, I hadn't spoken much to Tae much less looked his way after the way I saw him with Y/n.

It had only been about a few days ago, but the image of them close together and alone like that burned in my chest.

I couldn't help but be jealous, Tae was much more handsome than me, older- chivalrous even- especially in the situation she was in with him.

Her laying in a bath soaking wet with him hovering over her. He'd probably seen right through her clothes. And with her hands cupping his face-

I know he was just helping her- and I'm glad he did. But I know Hyung, and the way he was looking at her..

"Yah! I've told you not to do that you're basically grinding your teeth that's not good for your jaw!" Jin scolded and swatted a hand against Tae's arm.

"Yeah but it looks cool"

Jin flared one of his nostrils and curled up the side of his top lip in disgust.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Hoseok and Jimin watching Y/n?" I questioned.

"She's a big girl she doesn't need sitters, plus I think it's wrong we are keeping all this shit from her" Taehyung replied moving to lay down on my bed with a exaggerated sigh.

He was right- I hated to keep secrets from her, maybe now that we're starting to get more information we can actually tell her about what's going on.

"Also, I couldn't help but be ease drop-"

"When don't you" I snickered, to which Tae responded to with an eye roll.

"Anyways- like I said before, with Y/n being a hybrid, that means there's a certain time in her life where she becomes able to change between a human and cat, that time apparently being her birthday this year since she's- reaching adulthood?" Taehyung scrunched his brows questioningly.

"So technically you're saying she could just randomly change back into a cat on her own?" I asked a bit confused.

Taehyung nodded.

"I knew I would change today.. but not like this.."

"I do remember voices, they were talking about me I know it.."

"They said on my sixth year I would change.."

I scrunched my brows together at the thought of Y/n's previous words.

Voices? Could it be the same person who was doing all this? She knew she was going to change but she didn't know she was a hybrid-

If she was just a hybrid- why would this person warn us about her..?

"But the the thing is- the person doing all this has to have known the exact time Y/n was born in order to have known this was the year she was going to change-"

"But I don't know the exact day she was born- we all just celebrate her birthday on the day I found her-"

"Yes BUT, what if the day you found her was ironically the day of her birth hmm?" Taehyung finished causing us all to look at him with raised eyebrows.

"I told you I'm kind of an expert on these things" He smirked.

I thought Jin took away his manga..

"Okay genius then riddle me this, why were they warning us about Y/n being some kind of killer monster when she's just a hybrid" Jin narrowed his eyes at the younger.

Taehyung's smirk faded in defeat.

"Taehyung.. Hybrids aren't- dangerous are they?.." I questioned looking at him worried.

"Not in any of the mangas I've read-"

"This isn't a fucking manga you idiot" Yoongi scoffed.


Jin quickly grabbed the raging younger males arm, shaking his head and giving his back a much needed pat. Causing Tae to lay back onto my bed with a huff grumbling, proceeding to chew his nonexistent gum.

"Well.. Whoever this is, I believe knows a lot more about Y/n than we do.." Namjoon nodded looking between all of us.

Despite all the confusion, there was something that definitely wasn't making sense.

If whoever this person was, knew about Y/n from the point she was born, and claimed her to be some kind of dangerous thing..

Why did I find her all alone?

There was only one person that could possibly help at this point, and that person was Y/n herself.

"I think it's time we tell her"


My bad this took long-

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