[Arc 3] Ch. 32 : Traversing The Unknown Arc

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They walked from a far, to head to the city. Once they arrived, the city is completely destroyed. It looks like a ruins.

"What in the hell happened here." [Kazuro]
"I don't know, but we got to be careful. We have no powers or anything.." [Eu]

Before going any further, Kazuro touches Kagami's shoulder.

"How can you regain your eye again after the war..?" [Kazuro]

Kazuro glares Kagami. Kagami sighs and pushes Kazuro's hands off Kagami's shoulder.

"I did told you that i am a demon with a broken horn. Well, that's true. But i saved my regeneration powers." [Kagami]

Kazuro starts to think.

"Why?" [Kazuro]
"Because you will torture me, and make me give up on everything." [Kagami]

Kazuro got surprised that Kagami know what Kazuro's about to do at Kazugami and Kagami.

"How-" [Kazuro]
"I have been traveling through timelines more han thousands times, and i always end in a failure." [Kagami]

Kagami looks towards the sky as the wind blows.

"I will die in the next few days." [Kagami]

Eu and Kazuro got a bit surprised.

"What do you mean?" [Eu]
"Traveling through timeline, i have to pay my lifetime. And i have lost so much, so i won't survive long." [Kagami]

Kazuro grabs Kagami.

"You seem not afraid of dying. You are hiding something are you..?" [Kazuro]
"Let go of me..." [Kagami]

Both Kazuro and Kagami glares each other.

"I said let go!!" [Kagami]

Kagami pushes Kazuro with his legs and started to punch Kazuro.

Kazuro avoids the punch, and tries to punch from the back. But Kagami grabs Kazuro's hand and slam him down to the ground. Kagami locks Kazuro so he wont move.

"How did you...!" [Kazuro]
"I have travel a lot, i know how you fight!" [Kagami]

Eu out of nowhere kicks Kagami in the face and pushes him down.

"Haaa!" [Eu]

Eu punches Kagami in the face and choke him.

"Bastard..!!" [Kagami]

An explosion happens somewhere. Eu lets go of Kagami and looks at the direction of the explosion.

"What was that..?" [Eu]

Both Kazuro and Kagami left bleeding from the mouth and nose.

"This isn't the time to do this. We need to figure out where are we." [Eu]

Eu stands up and reaches his hands toward Kagami to help him stand. Instead of taking if, Kagami slaps Eu's hand and stood up himself.

"We should check it out." [Kagami]
"Remember, we are just a normal human being, i can't activate my horn. So we are starting from zero." [Kazuro]
"I know what human feels like." [Eu]

Kazuro grabs his left arm.

"I don't think i may use this arm. Kagami completely cracks it." [Kazuro]
"You could stay here." [Eu]
"Im going." [Kazuro]

Kazuro starts walking and follows the rest. Before walking even further, Kagami warns them.

"Remember, we have nothing. We saw something, we flee." [Kagami]

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