Chapter 45 [End]

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A couple of months past.

Eu has wake up from his long coma.

Eu opens his eyes, and start sitting down on the bed.

"Eh...?"  [Eu]

Eu's right hand is covered with bandages, and his head as well. While his left hand is gone for good.

Eu almost thought he lost his right eye sight, until he realised that his hair has grow long to cover it.

A nurse came in, and was surprised after seeing Eu wake up.

The Nurse immidiatly run to call the doctor.

"Im still alive.."  [Eu]

Eu then see a flashback of what happen before he passed out.

"Ah..! Shit.."  [Eu]

Just by remembering, his head started to hurt, so he has to relax for now.

Not long after that, the doctor came.

The doctor then sits down on a chair.

" are you feeling?"  [Doctor]

"It feels weird. I can't feel anything from my left side, and i don't think i can think anything hard first."  [Eu]

"That is normal."  [Doctor]

The doctor and Eu talk for quiet a while.

Just when the Doctor thinks that Eu is stable, he started to leave.

"Wait!"  [Eu]

"What's wrong?"  [Doctor]

"Can i..walk out of here? Just need fresh air."  [Eu]

"You just wake up. Stay here, and open the window if you want fresh air."  [Doctor]

The doctor leaves the room.

But after that, Eu tries to move his legs.

Eu tries to stand up. He succeeded. However, he can't walk normally.

"Shit..."  [Eu]

Just when Eu wanted to head for the door, he realised that he has no hands to open it up.

"Open the window says the doctor....i don't even have any active hands over here."  [Eu]

Suddenly, someone bashes the door.

"Eu!!!!"  [Sataka]

Eu got surprised and is about to fall.

Sataka catch him though.

"Dumbass, if i fall here i might sleep for a long time again!"  [Eu]

"I mean, you shouldn't be standing right?"  [Sataka]

Sataka helps Eu to sit him on the bed.

Seiko and Tome came in the room.

"Eu..."  [Seiko]

Seiko cries and embrace Eu.

"I thought.....i thought you are a goner..."  [Seiko]

Eu smiles as he sees his group together in the room in one piece.

"Guys, can you help me."  [Eu]

"Anything for our leader!"  [Sataka]

"Just say it, and maybe we can think about it."  [Tome]

"We will help you.."  [Seiko]

"Can you, bring me to Kazuro?"  [Eu]

Silence was occure.

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