Chapter 3

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Tokyo. So many people walk by, and so many Users guarding. Im safe for now. But i should go back to my old house and find that bastard.

While walking, i wanted to check something.

I hold my chest on the left side to check wether my heart is still beating or not.

"Hmm.." [Kazuro]

10 seconds has passed. And i don't feel any heartbeat- no, i feel it actually. But it's beating so slow.

I finished checking and walk to the path to my old house.

●Sometime later●

I finally arrived to my old house. I looked over the window to see if there is someone or not. I saw Mom sitting down looking dowm in a sad face. I saw a paper that is written *Divorce Paper*

"Talking to my mom in this condition is not a good idea.." [Kazuro]

I then remember that i used to have a secret path to go to my room, behind the house.

There is a fake rectangle wall on the right corner. I opened it and it's a manual elevator. I went inisde and pull myself up. This should lead me to my room.

I arrived to my room. There is another fake wall that i need to open. But just when i wanted to open it,

"Kazuro..." [Cihiro]

Cihiro say it in a sad tone. My name? Cihiro never called me by my name. She call me by big bro or aniki.

Just when i wanted to listen closer, i accidently push the fake wall and makes me falls down.

"Shit.." [Kazuro]
"Aa-" [Cihiro]

Just when Cihiro wanted to scream. I quickly stand up and runs towards her to close her mouth.

"Lehct me gho!" [Cihiro]

She kept on resisting. I then have no other choice but to tell my real identity.

"C-calm down Cihiro!" [Kazuro]

Cihiro suddenly stopped resisting and i let go of my hands. She looked onto my face.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" [Cihiro]

I opened my mask and show my face to her.

"...." [Cihiro]

A short silents.

"Who?" [Cihiro]

Sigh...i really do change a lot.

"I'm Kazuro Eikatsu. Proof? Both of us accidently kissed in the public because of a madman in a car." [Kazuro]

Her face suddenly blushed and covers it.

"W-w-who is my cutest dog!" [Cihiro]

She ignores what i say before huh?

"I'm the cutest dog. Because once i lost to a game with you, and you dare me to act like a dog for an hour. And you kept on patting and say 'kawaii'." [Kazuro]

Her eyes widen and amount of tears coming out from her eyes.

"Kazuro...Kazuro..." [Cihiro]

She kept on repeating my name while wiping her unlimited tears release.

I hugged her and patted her head.

She hugs me back and press her face onto my chest and cried outloud.

She hugs me back and press her face onto my chest and cried outloud

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"Yosh yosh. You're already an adult now. Don't cry like a kid." [Kazuro]

I forced myself to smile. I never thought i need so much energy just to smile.

"Kazuro..." [Cihiro]

After i heard her saying that again, i wanted to ask her this.

"Why do you call me by my name? Not by Big bro or Aniki?" [Kazuro]
"Ahh....i accidently spoiled it." [Cihiro]

What does that mean? I can't help but to keep on questioning it.

"Cihiro. What do you mean?" [Kazuro]
"I shouldn't tell you this. But it's too late now." [Cihiro]

She looks down and holds my hand tightly.

"You're not my related big brother." [Cihiro]

That makes me shock, enough to make my eyes widen.

"You were adopted 2 years ago. You lost your memory as well." [Cihiro]

I then hold Cihiro's shoulder and look her in the eyes.

"Is this true?" [Kazuro]

She nodded.

"It is." [Cihiro]
"Cihiro, what am i in my previous self?" [Kazuro]

She looks away from me.

"All i can remember is that you are a Ramatsu User from the age of 14. You were the youngest that time. You made a Ramatsu Club with so much friends. 2 years later, i don't know why, but you take a break from Ramatsu User. And the next thing i know, you came to my house the next morning. I'm sorry, that's all i know." [Cihiro]

I hugged her tightly. I feel glad that i know what happened to me.

"I can't believe i can feel this. Thank you Cihiro." [Kazuro]

She cuddle onto me.

"But, i won't be here." [Kazuro]
"What....?" [Cihiro]

She ask the question with a surprised-sad expression.

"Tell me, where did dad go?" [Kazuro]
"He revealed that he will be the teacher in Ramatsu User School, as a history." [Cihiro]
"Yosh, thank you." [Kazuro]

I patted her head once more before i leave. Just when i walk, she holds onto my sleeve.

"Don't go...." [Cihiro]

Her tears coming out once again.

"I was lonely while waiting for you to come back. When i know that you died, i felt broken. I wanted to stay by your side forever. It's fine if it's as a sister, or even more. As long as i'm with you. I'm okay. Please don't go.." [Cihiro]

Without noticing, i can smile normally towards her. I patted her head.

"Cihiro, i'll be lonely as well without you. But now, you'll always be by your big brother side." [Kazuro]

She smiled and happy, but,

"Because your big brother that you called Kazuro is already dead days ago." [Kazuro]

Her eyes widen and in shock. Left speechless.

"W-what....?" [Cihiro]
"I died after a User killed me with no reason. And now i'm back here, alive. But this one, isn't the normal Kazuro. I'm different. You don't even recognize me when i opened my mask." [Kazuro]

Cihiro slowly looked down ast tears falling down.

"I am a half demon. You can tell that i'm not your big brother. But i swear, he will always be by your side." [Kazuro]

I patted her and walk away. Just when i wanted to go down with the manual elevator. She suddenly ask me,

"You are a different Kazuro. Is it okay for me to fall in love with you?" [Cihiro]

Her face is so red.

"Just do what you want to do." [Kazuro]

Just when i wanted to let go of rope to go down, she asks again.

"Wait. What do you want to do next?" [Cihiro]

That questioned has been answered by a new answer.

"I'll be a Ramatsu User. In order to find my dad, i have to be a User." [Kazuro]

Yeah, that's the main point. Getting onto my dad and kill him. I have to be a User. But, what will i do next when i finished all of them...?

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