Chapter 3: Five Years Later

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Natasha received a signal from all of the teams. Within the time of Ezra and Sabine being forced off planet and now, Carol went back to the wider universe, Rocket and Nebula went throughout the Unknown Regions to find another way, and the rest of the Avengers on Earth were still dealing with other matters. Natasha opened the channels. Carol, Rocket and Nebula, Okoye, Rhodes, and Ezra and Sabine appeared via hologram.

"Reports?" Natasha asked.

"Well," Rocket said, "we checked out that suspect freighter you told us about, Danvers."

"It was a garbage scow." Nebula said in disgust.

"Well that was closer than what I found," she replied.

"What about you, Ezra and Sabine," Natasha asked, "what's going on in the wider Galaxy?"

"The Rebellion has taken a number of worlds in the Outer Rim and is starting a campaign for the Mid Rim." Sabine said, "Though half of the Empire was wiped out, so was half of the Rebellion. Since every world doesn't know what happened they're either blaming the Empire and revolting, or the Rebellion and fortifying."

"And your world?"

"Lothal was freed of the Empire's grip when I first came to Earth," Ezra said, "those that aren't shoring up for an Imperial offensive have joined the Rebellion."

"How do we know that Emperor of theirs isn't playing a long game?" Rhodes asked.

"Several Rebel spies say that he's fixated on something else." Sabine said, "What it is, we still don't know."

"What was that thing that you say was destroyed by Rebel pilots those four or so years ago?" Carol asked.

"The Death Star?"

"Could he be building another one?"

Ezra closed his eyes trying to sense if there were large kyber crystals anywhere. He opened them again.

"No," Ezra said, "whatever he's doing, he's not building a second one."

That's a relief, Natasha thought.

"Let me know of any new developments." She said.

Everyone signed off. Except Rhodes. He explained a gruesome scene that local police had found: many criminals from a drug cartel slaughtered in Mexico. It was clearly the work of Barton, but they couldn't find him to bring him back to the fold. After a while, he too signed off. She looked back at the front gate monitor to see of any of their fallen comrades would reappear. It was a foolish hope. But something else appeared: an ugly brown van. Scott had finally returned from the Quantum Realm.


Palpatine was spending more and more time down in the bowels of the shrine than he was running the Galaxy. The ministers were studying everything inside, but they weren't discovering things that he hadn't already learned. He hadn't brought Vader into the know. His heart was middling between the Dark Side and the Light yet again. Ever since he had learned about his son, he had been in conflict with himself. Palpatine knew exactly what would solidify his allegiance: the Mind Stone. Unfortunately, he still didn't know where it was. He was no closer to finding any of the stones. So here he was again; back in the shrine, alone. The hologram of Darth Gor flickered alive again. He had stopped himself from asking this question, because he knew it was admitting defeat in locating the stones, but he had his limits. He had to know now.

"Where are the Stones?" Palpatine asked him.

The hologram flickered even longer than ever. After five seconds Gor returned, but was bloody and bruised.

"The stones are gone." He said in anger, "Those Jedi scum... those light side warriors... they banded together. They stole my lightsaber... my lightsaber which held the stones... and they took the stones for themselves."

"Where did they take the stones?"

"They are scattered. Some have even changed forms. Most are encased in some form of prison. They will undoubtedly be going by different names now."

"How were you defeated?"

"An alliance of the entire universe. Godly beings, shapeshifters, powered... in my hubris I wanted a challenge... it was my mistake."

"Take me to your last entry."

The hologram flickered again. Darth Gor was now missing an arm and an eye, his face was half burnt, and he had blaster holes in his chest.

"This... this is the end... the Jedi are taking this planet... and building a temple over this shrine. They... they hope to erase the memory of the Infinity Stones from existence. But... I have found... where they are..."

He raised his hand toward a coffin on the far side of the room.

"Inside is a holocron... it contains... the location of the stones... they are connected... but the stones might not show... they can be destroyed only by each other..."

He slumped over and the hologram disappeared. Palpatine heard a rumble from the coffin and went over. Inside was a skeleton missing an arm and holding a Sith holocron in his remaining hand. Palpatine grabbed it. He knew better than to open it, though. Five years ago, he sensed a massive energy burst and could easily surmise the stones were destroyed. He sensed at present that things were going to happen that he could use to his advantage. He only needed to wait.

Next part coming soon.

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