Chapter 13: Accepting Fate

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Ezra and Sabine found themselves in a large grassland with an orange sky. In the distance was a solitary tower. They walked toward it. Once they arrived at its base, they thought that it looked familiar.

"Are you lost?" They heard behind them.

They turned around and saw a young woman in a cloak. She had amber eyes and blue hair. She looked so familiar to them, but they couldn't place a name to her face.

"Kind of," Ezra said to her, "we were just fighting the Empire. I don't know how we got here."

"The Empire? They haven't been a thing in, like, fifteen years."

Sabine and Ezra exchanged a look of shock.

"How did they end?" Sabine asked.

"Picked a fight with the Avengers and... my... my parents... the Empire was decimated, but my parents died, too."

Beneath the cloak, Ezra saw a glimmer of metal near her waist.

"What were your parents like?" Ezra asked.

"Two of the bravest people in the galaxy." Tears started brimming in her eyes. "They liked telling stories of their adventures, but they always said there was one that was unfinished. But..." tears began streaming down her face, "I guess I know the ending wasn't a good one now."

Sabine's and Ezra's eyes widened in shock.

"Mira?" They asked.

"Hi, mom. Hi, dad."

They hugged each other tightly. All of them crying. After a few seconds, they let each other go, but stayed close to each other.

"So we don't make it?" Ezra asked, crestfallen.

"There are two paths that you will be given." Mira said. "One, you don't make it. I become a Jedi, and a fierce Mandalorian. Two, you barely make it to a bacta tank. But you don't heal. You spend years in bacta, but healing is either slow, nonexistent, or regressive."

Sabine and Ezra looked at each other. They didn't want either of those options.

"Isn't there any other way?" Sabine asked.

"No. Unfortunately," Mira began tearing up, "you either die slowly, or quickly. The Stones have a high price for those who aren't physically able to wield them."

Sabine and Ezra nodded. They knew there was no other option if they wanted Mira to grow up without her parents, but knowing they sacrificed everything for her.

"You've made up your mind?" Mira asked.

"Yeah." Ezra said.

She hugged her mom and dad one final time.

"I miss you guys. So kriffing much."

"Language." Sabine chuckled, "I missed you, too."

"We will always be with you, Mira." Ezra said, "Just look for us in the Force. I love you. And the Force will be with you."

"Always. I love you, too."


Rocket was firing at the neches of an AT-AT that was right above him. The leg of the walker rose and began falling right on top of him. As the leg came down, it turned to dust. All around the battlefield and in space the same was happening. Walkers, transports, speeders, TIEs, and stardestroyers were turning to dust. As well as the army of troopers on the ground. Palpatine looked around, fear gripping him. He saw Vader clutching his chest as he slowly turned to dust. Palpatine sat on a boulder near him and had one final thought before he began turning to dust.

Well fought, Jedi, he thought.

Palpatine's body crumbled away and he was no more. They won.

Ezra and Sabine staggered several steps. They stopped at a T2-B that was abandoned and sat down. The lightsaber tumbled out of Ezra's hand. Said hand was burnt to a crisp. He could no longer feel it, nor could he move it. Sabine wasn't as terribly burnt, but the amount of power had completely drained her of her life. Spider-Man swung over to them.

"Hey," he said, "guys? Can you hear me? It's Peter. We won. We won, guys. You did it."

A ship landed several yards away. A green woman with two head tails ran from inside. She stopped short of Peter and her hands flew to her mouth in shock. Peter was pulled away and she knelt next to them.

"Hey, Hera," Ezra said.

"Ezra, Sabine," she said, "don't worry. We'll get you to a medical frigate. You'll be okay."

"Sorry, Hera," Sabine said, "but this was our last fight."

"Like Hell it's your last fight." Hera said, edging on tears, "I'll get you to a bacta tank and--"

"No," Ezra interrupted, "it won't work."

Hera began crying.

"It's okay." Sabine said, "We knew the cost."

Ezra and Sabine joined hands. Their last words were spoken in unison.

"Take care of Mira for us."

"I will."

They both shed a tear. They breathed in, and out. Then no more. Hera began crying aloud. The Avengers all exchanged glances. They won. But they lost two of the greatest members they ever knew.

Well, this is depressing.

Epilogue to follow.

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