Chapter 1: The Garden

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Hyperspace swirled around the craft. The occupants were set for what was to go down. Only weeks ago, they had all lost allies. They had spent those weeks hunting down the being responsible for the destruction. The occupants had only one mission in mind: find him, take his weapon that he used to destroy everyone, and undo it. Two occupants were sitting next to each other, holding each other.

"Can we really destroy Thanos, Ezra?" one asked.

"I don't know, Sabine," Ezra said, "he has all of the infinity stones. He might be unstoppable."

All of the occupants heard beeping from one of the sensors and braced themselves. Stars stretched in front of them and they found themelves over a planet. Out of the makeshift spacecraft went a woman whose body was somehow able to fly and survive space.

"I'll check out the surface," she said, "see what we're up against."

She flew off. Sabine walked over to one of the female occupants.

"Think we can beat this psychopath, Daisy?" Sabine asked her.

"What other choice do we have." Daisy asked in response.

Ezra walked to one of the other male occupants. He was looking at a small picture inside of a tiny apparatus.

"I hope this works, Steve." Ezra said.

"Me, too." Steve responded, "otherwise, I don't know what I'll do."

The woman returned to the craft. She had a smug look of confidence on her face.

"No turret emplacements," she said, "no ground support, no satellite coverage... he's completely exposed."

Everyone exchanged glances and nods. They took their craft down. They all exited and found him: Thanos. He was walking up the steps of what they could tell was supposed to be a house or something of the like. They all discussed options and came up with a plan. They all split up once they finally agreed on one. Everyone got into position and waited for the signal. The woman who could fly, Carol Danvers, fired a beam of energy at him. Everyone sprang into action. Out of the floor of the house crawled the Hulkbuster who held Thanos's gauntlet free hand back. Carol held back the gauntlet and kept his hand open. Ezra and Sabine flew in and Ezra ignited his lightsaber. In one swift motion, Ezra cut Thanos's gauntlet wielding hand from his arm. Steve, Thor, Daisy, and Natasha walked up the stairs with Rocket and Nebula not far behind. Rocket grabbed the hand on the ground and turned it over. To all of their dismay, the stones weren't there.

"You're too late," Thanos said, "the stones would have attracted evil men to possess them. They had to be destroyed."

"Where are they?!" Daisy asked.


"You used them only days ago!" Sabibe shouted in anger.

"I used the stones to destroy the stones. The work is done. It cannot be undone. I am destiny fulfilled. I am inevitable."

"He's lying," Ezra said, "he has to be! The stones have to be here somewhere, let's look!"

"My father is many things," Nebula said, "but a liar is not one of them."

Thanos sighed, almost gratefully.

"Perhaps you were treated too harshly." Thanos said.

Everyone heard a roar from Thor. When they looked at him, he was in the air, axe raised. They all were shocked at what he did next: he decapitated Thanos.

"What did you do?" Natasha asked.

"I went for the head." Thor said.

He walked out, almost in a daze. Everyone followed not too long after. No one was okay. They all had the same thought: what can we do now?


He was in deep meditation. Though he was far from having an iron grasp on everything, he could sense everyone and everything going on around the galaxy. It had only been about a month since he first seen the decimation of half of everything, yet he was fascinated. He didn't possess that kind of power, but he wanted it. He went to his vault which led to the shrine far below the palace. He had only scratched the surface of this shrine, but there were deeper secrets that he hadn't figured out. He arrived at the same area that he was forcibly stopped at, the entrance into the bowels of the shrine. The entrance was protected by a vocal passcode. He had tried many phrases and names to gain access, but none worked. But he now had a new idea of what it might be.

"Space," he said, "Mind, Reality, Power, Time, Soul."

Unlike every single other time, the lock color changed from red to green. The door unlocked and opened. He walked in and saw large statues of giant beings holding tiny stones.

"So they aren't just legends after all."

A hologram flickered in and out.

"Wel... da..." it said in bursts, "I... Gor...  Infinity Stones."

"This will take time," Darth Sidious said to himself, "but I will uncover the secrets of the Infinity Stones and rule the entire universe.

Here we are. At the end of all things.

Next part coming soon.

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