Chapter 47 - Cop a feel

Start from the beginning

"How about you carry the baby and I'll tell you that you look hot." I said jokingly. I lifted my head up to his and kissed him on the lips. "When do we have to leave?"

"Like now, luckily the league aren't too concerned if we are late or whatever but we should probably get going." He shrugged and gave me another kiss.

Hawks then grabbed my jacket and picked me up taking me to the balcony so he could fly us.

"You know I would be fine going by myself." I laughed trying to push him off me.

"But I like flying you, besides I get to cop a feel this way." He said with an evil smirk.

"Typical, how about you get your head outta the gutter." I said struggling even more to get off him.

Before I could make my escape he quickly launched us into the air causing me to quickly grab back into him.

"Hey! What if I fell just then!" I said clinging onto his jacket.

"You know i'd never let that happen." He said tightening his grip on me. "You two are too precious to me."

Hearing him talk about me and the baby made me blush and I hide my head in his jacket. I suddenly feel his hand creep up and around my waist and grab my breast.

"Really?" I yelled pushing my head out of his chest and looking up at him. "Way to ruin the moment." I laughed.

"What I didn't ruin it," he said defensively.

"I really can't wait for us to be a little family." I said semi sarcastically before grabbing him through his pants. "See how do you like it?"

"I don't know what your complaining about, this is defiantly turning me on." He said with a hungry look.

"Yeah I can feel." I said releasing my grip and folding my arms. That obviously didn't have the same desired affect as what I was going for. "Just focus on flying there in one piece." I sighed.

We flew the rest of the way in silence and finally arrived at the base. Hawks placed me down and we started to walk inside.

I was slightly fixing my hair as we walked in due to the windy trip over when we saw Shigaraki and the other league members standing at the front of the room.

"Looks like they are all back." Hawks said with an annoyed tone.

"Yay." I said sarcastically walking over to the usual spot with hawks while we waited for a league member.

We still couldn't walk around freely in this place even after hawks gave them the quirk register. They defiantly still didn't trust us.

Just then Dabi and Twice walk over to us.

"Electra, Hawks long time no see." Dabi said in a cocky voice as they walked over.

"Not long enough if you ask me." I said slightly under my breath for Hawks to hear.

"And how's our little baby?" Dabi asked trying to provoke us. He walked towards me and reached a hand out towards me when Hawks swiftly grabbed it.

Dabi chuckled as he ripped his hand away from Hawks.

"Your ruthless Dabi!, yeah hurry up and tell them what our mission is." Twice yelled beside him.

"The four of us are heading out on a mission together." Dabi said as a smirk grew across his face. "We'll leave as soon as you to get changed."

Just then Twice threw us both bags with clothes inside. They lead us into a room and waiting outside for us to get changed.

We opened the bags and examined the clothes.

Hawks laughed as he started to take his hero jacket off. "Looks like I'm supposed to be some kinda pimp." He chuckled as he changed into the outfit.

I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he looked. He looked like some kinda lame pimp from an old movie. I opened my bag and pulled out a skimpy red skirt, super short white crop top that looked like it would barely cover my boobs and a short apron that somehow looked shorter than the skirt. If that was even possible. Finally a pair of black heels fell out onto the floor after I shock the bag a few times to make sure there wasn't something else I was supposed to wear.

"This has got to be a joke." I said holding the skimpy outfit up to show hawks. "I'm not wearing this." I said firmly.

"Maybe you should take it home though and wear it later tonight." Hawks said, clearly his mind was still in the gutter.

Suddenly we hear a bang on the door to hurry us up.

"Come on just try it on, it can't be that bad." He said trying to make me feel better.

I reluctantly put the outfit on and stood there covering the rest of my chest with my arms folded.

"I would have be wearing more if I just wore my underwear." I joked. "I look like some kinda knocked up hooker/waitress." I said with a little chuckle.

Just then we hear the door open. Twice and Dabi walk into the room wearing equally as embarrassing costumes like Hawks. I quickly use my hands to try and cover more of the exposed skin so they wouldn't see.

"Relax babe, nothing I haven't seen before." Dabi said with a laugh.

Hawks gave him a dead look. "Right so where exactly are we going?" Hawks asked straightening out his pimp jacket.

"To a bar to recruit some new members. You look like a hooker!" Twice yelled out next to Dabi.

"See told ya I look like a hooker!"

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