“So Brent, do you have time to talk? I think it's time we actually talked things out."

“Visiting hours end around just before dinner time so yea I have time to talk.” I said.

 “How has your treatment been?” He asked. 

“At first it wasn’t easy but it’s been ok I guess.” 

 “Have you made any friends?” He asked. 

“Well ex hunters, men who I actually led, does that count?”

“If you’ve gotten to know them and connected then it does.” 

“Then yes I’ve made a few.” I said.  

“Good. This place is kinda stuffy, want to go for a walk if you're allowed? ” He asked, looking at me.

“As long as I don’t leave the facility then yes we can go outside.” I said and we walked outside and Altan grabbed my hand but I didn’t want him to feel any more awkward than he probably felt being here alone with me but it felt nice holding his hand.

"What activities do you do outside when the weather is nice?”

“I mainly work out and do yoga. If I’m feeling social then I’ll play basketball with whoever is on the court.” I said.

“That seems fun.” He smiled and I felt my knees go weak. 

“Have you thought about me at all? About us? The reason I'm asking is because I know you're straight and so I have been wondering how you felt about me” I was waiting for him to crack and ask that question.

“Every day since I met this guy and he made me realize a lot of things. I can’t lie to you though, just the thought of you drives me wild. I’ve come to the conclusion I’m Altan sexual.” I said and I could feel his grip tighten and he snickered at my joke even though I was serious.

“I’m being serious here. I mean, I’m only here because of you, I’m doing this for us, me.” I said biting my lip nervously. Oh my God I broke him.

“Altan?” I asked.

"So what are you saying Brent?" He asked and I looked around to spot a bench and walked us over to it and sat down. I kept a hold of his hand because honestly, it was nice and the warmth felt nice coming from his touch. 

"I have had a lot of time to think about my life being here and the day you rejected me keeps playing in my mind. The look on your face is one I will never forget but one day I hope to see a different look from you, a look of love when you look at me Altan. I am getting better and I will prove to you that I am worth being your mate. I want there to be an us." I said while looking into his beautiful bright blue eyes to show him I am serious about being his.

"For many months I wanted to well to be blunt I wanted to make you suffer for all you have done, not just to Kody but to my uncle and his mates, to all of the people you have hurt but, listen before you say anything please. Now I don't feel that way. I have avoided the topic of Brent with anyone at home because I didn't want their opinions and thoughts on what I should do to confuse me and stress me out because they aren't me, they don't know how I feel inside. My papa does to an extent but he's not me, he and my mama had their own issues to deal with and it took them over nine years to actually be together, nine years. I don't want to wait nine years to be with you Brent. Even though I rejected you, I still feel a bond with you and no matter the time or distance, it's still there and to me personally that means something and I think it means that we should give us a try. Whenever you get out of here, we will give us a try so let me ask this before I say anything else, have you asked for forgiveness and do you feel you were forgiven?” 

Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now