Parting Words and Her Bleak Past

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"It seems we'll have to part ways huh?" Hiiro grinned at her friends. It had only been a few hours since Gon's fight with Hisoka, and the night was a shade of dark blue speckled with thousands of bright lights and stars. "A shame I can't come, I'd love to meet your aunt, Gon."

"You can come too Hiiro, I'm sure you'd love it!" Got excitedly began describing his home, Whale Island. "The scenery is amazing, Aunt Mitos cooking is really good, and the Lord of the Lake is so big, like swoosh, and splash!" His arms moved eccentrically, every movement exaggerated and powerful.

Hiiro shook her head. "I'm alright. Plus I have a job that I took a while back."

"No worries." A certain assassin interjected. "We'll see you on September 1st, Yorknew City." Killua smiled cooly, holding out his hand.

"September 1st." Gon echoed happily, placing his hand on Killuas.

Stacking her hand onto Gons, the Magicians daughter grinned. "York New City." Hiiro repeated confidently.


"Said your goodbyes already?" Hisokas voice echoed smoothly through the halls of the 200th floor inside Heavens Arena.

"No need say goodbye just yet." Hiiro walked right past Hisoka "September 1st remember?"

"Of course I do Little Cat. After all, I promised the Kurta didn't I?" The magicians eyes narrowed viciously.

Hiiro shrugged, reaching towards the ground next to her room and throwing a small pack of items and personal belongings over her shoulders.

"Ready?" Hisoka walked up behind Hiiro, placing a pale hand over her shoulder and guiding her towards the elevator. Unlike Hiiro, Hisoka barely carried anything at all, most of his items in his pockets or early bought anywhere they traveled.

"Of course." Hiiro scoffed softly. "What's our first job?"

"Mmmm... killing a underground mafia boss." They stepped onto the elevator, pressing the ground floor button. The elevator doors closed and the enclosed box slid down the shaft slowly, each floor taking seconds to pass.

"Let me guess. His subordinate sent us to kill him?" Hiiro replied flatly. The tiniest chuckle escaped Hisoka, confirming her answer. Hiiro however was not impressed at all. A good chunk of the requests she had seen and completed before were killing higher-ups so the people ranked below would succeed them before being killed by the next person who put out a request.

In fact, the girl was quite sure the mafia boss they were supposed to kill had hired them before to kill a higher up in his family so he would inherit his current title and status.

*ding* The elevator stopped moving, signaling they had arrived at the first floor. Stepping out, Hiiro took a breath of fresh air. From right now till they got the job done, they would not rest. After all, they were being paid more the faster their target died.


It was already past midnight, the sky a few shades darker than midnight blue, flecks of stars here and there clustered together. Hiiro leaned against the smooth oakwood door of the mansion in front of her. The guards around her had already been either knocked out or killed, and the rest of the perimeter check was being done by Hisoka.

Concentrating, Hiiro opened the door expecting to be greeted by dozens of bullets. But not a single sound was made as she quickly slipped inside and behind a marble pillar.

"I should've known you've already taken them all out." Hiiro sighed dramatically.

"It was simply luck that led me here Hiiro." Hisoka smiled, picking up a bloody card from the carcass beneath him. Flipping over the card, it doubled into two and soon four with another flick of his wrist. "There was a side door I managed to find while on perimeter check. It seems the man upstairs is still asleep, maybe a dozen or so guards on patrol on the second floor."

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