Play Date(Adrienette and Ladrien chapter)

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"Alright, let's begin."
"I technically came up with it, but it's much more fun to play as a group." Nino eyed Alya. "It's literally just two truths and a lie, but you strip everytime you get one wrong." I gulped hard and looked over to Adrien. There's no way I'm doing this. But imagine how lame Adrien would think I am if I pussied out. This game would be much more fun if I wasn't a loser around him.
"Since you two are new to this, I'll go first. Nino can't answer though." I groaned and made an angry face at Alya. "Sorry, I've never played two truths and a lie." Adrien scratched the back of his head. "Even better, Marinette will answer first." I wanted to pass out. I would be the first to strip if I got it wrong. It's Alya though, I know everything about her.
"Ok, Marinette. My favorite place to visit is the Eiffel tower, I hate vanilla icecream, my first date with Nino was at the movies." She looked at me very evilly. "Easy, you're fave place to visit is the Louvre, not the Eiffel tower." I looked at her confidently. "Nope." Fuck. "What do you mean, nope?"
"I do like the Eiffel tower, my first date with Nino was not at the movies." Adrien and Nino giggled. That's right, I totally locked them up in the zoo. The three of them stared at me waiting for me to choose what to take off. I looked down and pulled off a sock. I threw it to the side and smiled. "You only have two socks, Mari. Be careful."
"Ok, now I'll ask one to you Adrien." Adrien looked around nervous. "Fire away."
"I've been akumatized, I've never been out of the country, and I'm totally the coolest DJ in all of Paris." Adrien looked down at the ground and thought for a minute. That third choice was totally based off of opinion, could that trip him up? "Nice try, you're from Morocco. You have been outside the country." Nino shrugged and slipped off his belt. I smiled and looked around hoping this was as far as the stripping would go. Just little accessories. "Adrien, ask Marinette." Alya pointed to me. I looked to Adrien and blushed. "Alright, I'm a hopeless romantic, I can play instruments, and I've never been outside Paris." I knew everything about this fool. "You've been outside Paris. Can't fool me." I flipped my hair back confidently and Alya clapped. I looked back over to see Adrien slipping off his white jacket. My heart blew up. I looked over to Alya. "I guess I should go." She nodded and sat back against the couch. "Ok, uhhhhhh. I've never met my grandpa, I've been akumatized, uhhhhh...I hate macaroons as much as I make them."
"I know you've never met your grandpa, you aren't the biggest fan of macaroons, AHA! You, Marinette Dupain-Cheng have never been an akuma victim!" I looked at her surprised. Fuck. I blushed and quickly took off the other sock. She made an unamused face.

Seems like forever has past when Alya had no pants, Adrien was shirtless, Nino was nearing being naked, and I had barely removed a thing. It was going well. Alya looked at me quite annoyed. "Ok, Marinette. Answer a question from Nino." I didn't know too much about Nino. I can't take my shirt off. I will literally die. "I absolutely hate your fave song, I totally had a crush on you before hanging with Alya, I don't have an instagram." I laughed. "Nino, you love music, there's no way you hate that song, and you have to have social media."
"Gotcha. Strip." I looked at him angrily. "Don't you even say that."
"I do hate your favorite song. I don't have instagram. Strip." Alya laughed. I looked over to Adrien and he looked at me with a smug face.

Adrien's POV

Marinette was about to strip. My stomach was churning. I know I've seen her naked multiple times, but like this when it's so cheeky, I got excited. She frowned and nervously lifted her shirt over her head. I bit my lip and watched as her breasts slightly bounced. Her tight pink shorts hugging her hips. Her ass was so plump and filled the shorts like water balloons. I slumped over hoping I wouldn't get a boner. Marinette blushed and crossed her arms over her chest. "You know what would be even better, Nino?"
"What's that?"
"Whoever ends up with the least amount of clothes, goes in the closet."
"Alya, you're literally targeting me and- Uhh..." I looked over to her with a crooked brow. She smiled and turned away. Hell yeah I wanted to go in a closet with Marinette. I looked at Alya and smiled. "Bet." She smiled back. "Ok Adrien, I'm Creole, I'm dating Nino, I don't have a blog."
"Come on, that's not fair." Marinette whined. "Oh god, I don't know." I joked. Marinette looked over to me very shocked. "You're not dating Nino, that's the lie."
"Wait, what?" Marinette looked around confused. "Adrien, you silly! The lie was I don't have a blog!" I giggled and quickly took off my pants. "Look at that, Marinette and I are the most naked." Marinette gasped and stood up nervously. "I don't understand, is this a joke?" I stood up with Marinette and walked towards the closet near the front door. "Come on, Mari. We lost the game." I winked and stepped into the closet. Alya pushed her in behind me and closed the door. I looked at Marinette, her face slightly lit up from the lights outside. She looked up and stared at me scared. "So, this is uhhh...awkward?" I reached down and lightly placed my hands on her hips right above the elastic in her shorts. She let out a gasp and looked down. I pulled her closer to me and slipped my fingers below the elastic. She moved her head up and held her hands on my shoulders. "Seven minutes, Marinette." I moved my hands back up and rubbed them up her back to her bra. I leaned my head down and bumped foreheads with her. She stared at me seeming very distraught. I put my finger under her chin and lifted her lips to mine. Her lips were soft and warm. They usually were. So perfect and pink. She kissed back slowly and held my shoulders. I reached my hands around her back and unclasped her bra. She pulled away from my mouth and looked up at me. "A-Are you sure?"
"I'm positive." I pulled the straps down her arms as I kissed her neck.

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