chapter 10 Princess.A

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We all stand around at the front of the school waiting on the princess to arrive. As I look around I see Skye, it seems like what I said got to her by the way shes ignoring me and acting like im not around. I don't care anymore I just stand there and brush it off my mind. I start to wonder how the princess could be like. i turnd around and ask J if he knows anything about the princess "Hey dude you know anything about this princess? I mean Mr. Rapper talks about her like we should know her all ready but I guess I don't know anying about her." I asked him

"Well to be honist dude I really don't know myself. Im about to find out who she is just like you." he said in his deep toned voice

"Well thanks for the info man. I was a really help." I said sarcasticly at him. He turns and gives me his I hate you face and I in turnd laugh and so he started laughing as well. As we were laughing a lemozine pulled up infront of us. It was all black and the windos were so dark that I dont even thing sun light was going throw them. A man walks out of the drives seat and opens the door infront of us. And this girl walks out all elegantly out of the lemo. She had long flowing blond hair, a cute face, and a really pretty smile. She didnt seem like one of those up tight classy jurks like most of the royal families are. She walks out and stands infront of us, she looks around at us. She looks my way for about five seconds, smiles and turns her head the other way. In away it was cute, but I can't let this princess and her cuteness get in the way of this mission.

"I'm sorry I kept you all waiting. Its really nice to get to know you all. Thank you for taking on this mission I really appreciate it." She said with the sweetest voice I ever heard.

Before anyone could say anything J jumps in like the clown that he is and said: "My princess you truly are the most beautiful princess there is." he said in that sarcastic tone. But before anyone know it J was on the ground. The princess tuck him down with out getting a single speck of durt on her. Every one started laughing.

"It could seem like I'm a pretty little girl to you but i know how to handle myself in a fight and i have powers too." she said smiling in her sweet voice.

"You mean a cute pretty little girl." I whispered to myself. She heard me and looked my way and blushed. I couldn't help but smile at her. I turnd my head and I saw Skye looking at me and her with her 'I hate you' face and her hait turnd oringe. And as soon as I saw that I know she was jealous in her own weird way. I turnd my head the other way and act like i didn't notes.

"I guess now that's over i better just introduce myself then. My name is Alexa Ring, but you can call me Alex ore A for short. I am the soon to be princess and Queen of White Rose. I am sure you all have your plans on what to do?' she asked kindly.

We all answered at the same time and said "Yes". She talked a bit more about herself and her back story, but the hole time I couldn't take my eyes of her it was like I was hypnotize by her. And for once in a long time I felt happy for no apparent reason. After every one was done introducing themselves to the princess, we all started getting ready to leave. I walked up to the princess and asked her "I hate to bother you princess, I just wanted to ask you how can you be so clam and happy knowing that your going to be assassinted its seems a bit weird to me" I asked curiously.

"Please call me A." She said. "Oh ok my bad." I replayed. She continued saying "Its not like I have a choice. I'm always happy because of my power. To be honist my power is happyness I'm happy and people around me get happy too." She said smilling

"Wow that's great and totally unique never heard something like that before. So basically you can give anyone any emotion you want?" I asked

"Well no only happyness. And because of this I never felt any other emotions like love, sadness ore even hate." She said.

"Well to be honist I would kill to have your powers, cause once love pops up all those other emotions come out." I said to her in a serious tone.

"Well being happy all the time mean that sometime you'll look like a total loser around your friends." She said back to me.

"Thanks for the info princess. Oh sorry I mean A." I said stodering

She laughs and said "Maybe is for the best you call me princess.A from now on cause its just a combo of what you wanna call me and what I want you to call me." With that adorable smile on her face I just can't get enough of.

I smiled and said "OK princess.A I'll do that from now." I walked away and head to my team to finish up. So we left at 6:30 with a train to meat up with the princess and Skye's team at the castle they left at 4:45 with another train. And some my mission begins who know what lyes ahead. But all I know is that this is just the bignning of a good story.

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